Enthuse - Overview



The Enthuse integration automatically inserts all of your donation and fundraising data into Donorfy, so you can dispense with data downloads, data upload templates and the time this takes freeing you up to do more of what matters. 


This guide explores

  • How the integration works
  • Requirements
  • The Features
  • Quick start guide
  • Going Deeper Guides
  • Academy resources


How the integration works

No spreadsheets involved!

Within a few minutes of a donation or a fundraising page being added to your Enthuse account that information is added directly to your Donorfy, without you needing to do anything.

Enthuse collects all of the key information and processes the payment and adds the details as below:

  • Supporters (donors and fundraisers) - these find or add Donorfy Constituents
  • Supporter consents - added to the Constituent's Communications Preference Centre
  • Fundraising Pages (individual and team) - create Donorfy Fundraising Pages
  • Donations - these create Donorfy Transactions, soft-credited to fundraising page holders (unless the donation is a direct donation)

The integration It can be set to run automatically (in which case it updates every 15 mins or so), or on demand.





The Enthuse integration is a Professional-only feature. Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgrading.




Where the people and organisations that make donations, pay for events and hold fundraising pages have opted not to remain anonymous they will be matched to an existing Constituent (using the duplicate check algorithm) or added to your Donorfy.   

Constituents are created with one of the two constituent types as set from the Enthuse Settings page in Donorfy, according to whether they were defined in Enthuse as 'people' or 'organisations'.



For newly added Constituents, the communications Channel consents and the Preferred Communications Channel are set according to what has been imported from Enthuse. Purposes are not set as part of the integration. 

For existing Constituents, the integration will not update any Communication preferences. 


Fundraising Pages

Personal and Team Fundraising Pages created in Enthuse are automatically imported into the Fundraising Pages tab and assigned to the fundraiser's Constituent's Profile or the Organisation's Constituent Profile.

Fundraising Pages include the various financial codes which inform the assigned items for the Transactions (Product, Fund, Department and Campaign). 

These aren’t specifically provided by Enthuse, so the integration assigns according to the best defaults - see here



When a donation is made in Enthuse, Donorfy will add the payment as a Transaction on to the donor's Constituent Timeline. The various assigned items for the Transaction such as Product, Fund, Department, Payment method, Bank Account, Campaign, etc will be added according to the best defaults - see here



Where a donor has opted to cover the processing fees for the payment, the fee will be added to the Processing Costs field within the Transaction. 


Soft Credits

Soft Credits are created for donations that are associated with fundraising pages. The Soft Credit is for 100% of the donation value and is assigned to the holder of the fundraising page against which the donation was made.

Enthuse can associate one donation with both a personal and a team fundraising page. Where this occurs the transaction will be soft-credited to both the holder of the team fundraising page (usually a company), and also the holder of the personal fundraising page.


Gift Aid

Where a donor has opted into Gift Aid for the payment, Enthuse will collect the Gift Aid on your behalf. Once claimed the Gift Aid Amount will be added to the original Transaction and can be reported on via the Gift Aid Amount Claimed field. 



Quick start guide

Getting started with the integration is quick and easy. Follow the steps below:


Obtain your Enthuse API credentials

In order to make use of the integration you first need to request a Client ID, Client Secret and an API key from Enthuse. Complete this Form to ask Enthuse to send your credentials.


Connect Donorfy to Enthuse

Once you have received your Enthuse API credential,, you can connect your Enthuse account to your Donorfy account.

To do this enter them on the integration settings page: Integrations > Enthuse > Settings

  • Enter your Client ID, Client Secret and API-Key into the Connect to Ethuse area
  • Click on Connect

Donorfy - Enthuse - Settings - Google Chrome 2023-05-02 at 3.32.57 PM


Now you are all connected, complete all of the remaining Integration Settings:


Default Campaign
This is the default Campaign that will be used where a donation, supporter or page in Enthuse does not contain a campaign. 
Anonymous Donor Constituent
Your preferred Anonymous Donor Constituent for instances where a donation is marked as anonymous or is not associated with a supporter.
Integration start date
The date from which Donorfy will import donations from Enthuse.
Note that associated fundraising pages and supporters related to these donations will also be created, even if they pre-date the integration start date.
Default Products
Product - Fundraising
This is the Donorfy Product that will be applied to Transactions created in Donorfy from Enthuse payments that are marked as fundraising income. Unless the donation is from a fundraising page, in which case it will use the product defined on the associated fundraising page.
Product - Event Registration
This is the Donorfy Product that will be applied to Transactions created in Donorfy from Enthuse payments that are marked as events income.
Constituent Type
This is the Constituent Type used when creating Individual Constituents in your Donorfy.
This is the Constituent Type used when creating all non-individual Constituents in your Donorfy.


Going Deeper Guides


The Donorfy Academy features a certification learning course for Enthuse - enrol here


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