The Enthuse integration will add Constituents to your Donorfy automatically within a few minutes of them making a donation or creating a fundraising page. They will be added to your Donorfy as detailed below.
Where the people and organisations that make donations or create a fundraising page and have opted not to remain anonymous they will be matched to an existing Constituent or added to your Donorfy.
The matching process uses the duplicate check algorithm which applies a number rating based on how confident the process deems the match to be. The scoring runs from 4 to 15. Where the confidence score is 13 or more, then the process will match that contact from Enthuse to the existing Constituent in Donorfy. If there are multiple matches at 13+ then the process will match to the Constituent profile is the oldest.
Where the score is lower than 13 or there are multiple Constituents that it has matched to then the process will create a new Constituent.
Constituents are created with one of the two constituent types as set from the Enthuse Settings page in Donorfy, according to whether they were defined in Enthuse as 'people' or 'organisations'.
For example:
Where the contact in Enthuse opted to remain Anonymous, the associated transactions will be added to the default Anonymous Constituent that is set within the Enthuse Settings page in Donorfy.
Event Registrations work slightly differently due to how data is collected and processed within Enthuse - please see this page for further details [Event Registrations]
Newly added Constituents
For all newly added Constituents, the communications Channel consent and the Preferred Communications Channel are set according to what has been imported from Enthuse.
Purposes are not set as part of the integration and so will be set as Undefined.
Existing Constituents
Where the donor, fundraiser or organisation already exists on your Donorfy, the integration will not update any Communication preferences or other details such as name and address.
Next steps:
- How Transactions are added
- Enthuse - How Event Registrations are added
- Obtaining your Enthuse API credentials
- Enthuse Integration Settings
Previous steps:
The Donorfy Academy features a certification learning course for Enthuse - enrol here