Enthuse - How Transactions are added




When a donation is made in Enthuse, Donorfy will add the payment as a Transaction on to the donor's Constituent Timeline. The various assigned items for the Transaction such as Product, Fund, Department, Payment Method, Bank Account, Campaign, etc will be added according to the best defaults - see here


The below table describes how the mapping is made:


Checks whether the campaign exists in Donorfy. Where the campaign does not exist a new Campaign will be created in Donorfy, populating the name from Enthuse. The default Product and Fund fields will be attributed to the Campaign from the Transaction Defaults

Transaction area Field Derived from (first one for each field applies) Notes
  Potentially Gift Aidable

Is set to No  

Enthuse will be collecting Gift Aid on your behalf.
Transaction Payment Campaign*

Campaign on the Enthuse donation if it exists


Campaign on the associated Fundraising Page


Default Campaign from the Enthuse integration settings


Checks whether the campaign exists in Donorfy by checking the Campaign Description.

Where the Campaign does not exist a new Campaign will be created in Donorfy and a note added to confirm it was via Enthuse.

The default Product and Fund fields will be attributed to the Campaign from the Transaction Defaults

  Payment Method*

“Enthuse - Single”


“Enthuse - Recurring”

depending on whether the donation is one-off, or related to an Enthuse schedule (recurring gift).

Checks whether the Payment Method exists in Donorfy.

Where the Payment Method does not exist a new one is created.

If the Payment Method is created by the integration, it will set the Payment Method to Recurring if it was a recurring payment, or Not Recurring if it was a one-off.


  Bank Account As per the Transaction Default Settings in your Donorfy  
  Currency   This is left blank for future use
Transaction Allocation Product Product from the associated Fundraising Page;


Product from the Enthuse Integration Settings:

“Product - Fundraising” or “Product - Events” depending on payment type.


Fund from the associated Fundraising Page


Default Fund on the Donorfy Campaign.


Department from the associated Fundraising Page


Donorfy Transaction Default Settings.




Where a donor has opted to cover the processing fees for the payment, the fee will be added to the Processing Costs field within the Transaction. 


Soft Credits

Soft Credits are created for donations that are associated with fundraising pages. The Soft Credit is for 100% of the donation value and is assigned to the holder of the fundraising page against which the donation was made.

Enthuse can associate one donation with both a personal and a team fundraising page. Where this occurs the transaction will be soft-credited to both the holder of the team fundraising page (usually a company), and also the holder of the personal fundraising page.


Gift Aid

Where a donor has opted into Gift Aid for the payment, Enthuse will collect the Gift Aid on your behalf. Once claimed the Gift Aid Amount will be added to the original Transaction and can be reported on via the Gift Aid Amount Claimed field within a Transaction List


Transaction Lists

When creating a transaction list in Donorfy, you can filter by Product to find your Enthuse Transactions.
In your list results you can view the following fields to obtain further information.


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