Changing the Dashboard Currency Symbol


You can change the default currency, and therefore the currency symbol used on the dashboard by

  • Going into Settings > Configuration and searching for Currencies
  • Adding or editing a currency and marking it as the default currency

  • If no default currency is set we will fall back to £ (GBP)

You can change the formatting used for numbers and dates on the dashboard and various other places by

  • Going into Settings > Account > Donorfy Settings
  • You can enter a Language and Culture Code - this code is used to choose the currency symbol and format dates & numbers - you can find a list of culture codes here 
  • If you do not provide a code we will use en-GB 

Your browser language settings should be consistent with Language and Culture Code you are using in Donorfy - otherwise numbers you enter may not be interpreted correctly  - see this article for help with changing your browser settings


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