Creating connections & beneficiaries links using the file uploader


Creating connections between constituents

When you upload a file of constituents you can include information in the columns below to create a connection between existing constituents and the constituents that will be added by the file upload

If you want to create connections between constituents that exist in your Donorfy see this article

You need to use one of these columns to identify the existing the constituent that a connection should be made to

  • Connected Constituent Number - i.e. constituent number of existing constituent you want to connect the new constituent to
  • Connected Constituent External Key
  • Connected Constituent Email Address

In addition you can use these columns to provide more information about the connection

  • Connection type - optionally can contain a valid connection type 
  • Connection details - any comments / notes you want to add about the connection
  • Connection From Date - date connection started
  • Connection To Date - date connection ended
  • Connection Strength - must be a number from 1 to 5

If you don't see these columns in the data preparation template you may need to update the template - see this article for help with that

Creating Connections from Activities to Existing Constituents

When you upload a file to create activities you can include information in one of these columns to create a link from the new activity to an existing constituent  

  • Connected Constituent Number - i.e. constituent number of existing constituent you want to connect the activity to
  • Connected Constituent External Key - i.e. external key of existing constituent you want to connect the activity to 
  • Connected Constituent Email Address - i.e. email of existing constituent you want to connect the activity to

Creating Connections and Beneficiary Links for Transactions to Existing Constituents

When you upload a file to create transactions you can include information in these columns to create a link from the new transaction to an existing constituent  

  • Connected Constituent Number - i.e. constituent number of existing constituent you want to connect the transaction to
  • Connected Constituent External Key - i.e. external key of existing constituent you want to connect the transaction to 
  • Connected Constituent Email Address - i.e. email of existing constituent you want to connect the transaction to

You can also create a beneficiary link by provide details in these fields

  • Beneficiary Constituent Number- i.e. constituent number of existing constituent you want to link as a beneficiary for the transaction
  • Beneficiary Constituent External Key
  • Beneficiary Constituent Email Address



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