This guide is designed for web developers and web designers for the implementation of Web Widgets on to your website.
Web Widgets are a Professional-only feature. Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgrading.
How Donorfy Web Widgets work
A Web Widget is HTML code that can be embedded into most modern websites to enable online donations to be collected. Donorfy provides two kinds of Web Widget:
- for single and recurring donations by payment cards (debit/credit cards), using the Stripe payment gateway
- for recurring donations by Direct Debit, using the GoCardless payment gateway
- Stripe - for donations via credit/debit card - see this article: Connecting to Stripe
- GoCardless - for Direct Debit donations - see this article: Connecting to GoCardless
- a new donor (we call them constituents), unless it already exists
- a new donation (a Transaction - if a single donation was made)
- a Recurring Payment Instruction (if a recurring donation was set up)
- a Gift Aid Declaration.
It needs a combination of web design and coding skills (HTML, CSS, maybe some PHP) to arrive at a finished solution.
- whether it's Stripe or GoCardless
- and the following settings which affect how the donation is categorised when it reaches Donorfy
- the Product
- the Campaign
- the Payment Method
- the Fund
If you would like to collect payments for various appeals, campaigns or currencies, then separate Web Widgets will be required for each combination.
User interface
The important thing is to use the correct field ids, names, lengths, and hidden fields. And to call the API correctly. See below for this information.
What happens when the donation is submitted?
Payment Cards via Stripe
When a donor makes a payment card donation and clicks on the Submit button, the following happens within a few seconds:
- The card details are sent directly to Stripe, and Stripe returns to the website a 'token' representing that card (therefore Donorfy never stores the card details)
- the donor information on the form and the token are sent to Donorfy
- Donorfy collects the payment from Stripe using the token provided earlier
- the donor is added (if new) to Donorfy as a new Constituent and the donation is added to the constituent's Timeline as a Transaction.
- If the donor made a recurring donation by card, a Recurring Payment Instruction is added to the constituent's Timeline, and the recurring payments will be subsequently collected by Donorfy.
The process is logged and visible in Financial > Online Donations.
This article guides you through adding a Stripe Web Widget: Creating a Stripe Payment Card Donations Web Widget
Payments via GoCardless
When a donor makes a payment via GoCardless and clicks on the Submit button, the following happens within a few seconds:
- The donor is passed through to a GoCardless form where they check their details and complete the remainder of the form, such as sort code, bank account number, confirm any additional signatories that may be required and conforms the T's and C's. These details are then sent directly into GoCardless, and GoCardless returns the donor to the website. A confirmation of the Direct Debit Mandate being created is sent back to Donorfy (Mandate ID)- therefore Donorfy never stores the bank details.
- the donor information on the form and the Mandate ID is sent to Donorfy and either added to a new Constituent Profile or matched to an existing one
- a Recurring Payment Instruction is added to the constituent's Timeline, and the recurring payments will be subsequently collected by Donorfy.
- Donorfy collects the first payment from GoCardless using the Mandate ID provided earlier, the payment will be debited circa 7 days later
- the donation is added to the constituent's Timeline as a Transaction
- subsequent payments will be managed by Donorfy
The process is logged and visible in Financial > Online Donations
This article guides you through adding a GoCardless Web Widget: Creating a GoCardless Web Widget
Website Compatibility
Any modern website system should be able to accommodate a Donorfy Web Widget - WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.
Your page should use https:// not http://
Your website needs an SSL certificate - i.e. its address should start https - e.g
We use 2.1.4 for our Web Widgets however, earlier editions of jQuery can be used without any issues, the minimum version of JQuery would be 1.1.11 onwards which should work.
NOTE: whilst WordPress.Org sites (the majority) do support this, their does not.
Testing the Widget
The Stripe widget can only use the Live Publishable Key - do not attempt to use the Test Publishable Key from Stripe.
To do a complete end-to-end test you need to use a real card and submit small test donations, of say £1. You will see the donation in the constituent's Timeline.
You can create a live Direct Debit using real bank account information, see it in the constituent's Timeline and cancel the DD in GoCardless before it gets to claim it.
In both cases, you will see the processing information logged in Financial > Online Donations.
This article has information about troubleshooting common web widget problems
Can I use GoCardless' Sandbox?
No. Donorfy only works with live the GoCardless system.
When testing, as noted in the above Testing the Widget section you will need to create live Direct Debits and then cancel any mandates created whilst testing in the GoCardless dashboard.
Can I connect my GoCardless account to a test Donorfy account?
No. You should not connect one GoCardless account to two Donorfys (your live Donorfy and a test Donorfy account) as this will cause issues with the live submissions and updates from GoCardless to Donorfy. If you want to test using a live GoCardless account then we advise creating a 2nd GoCardless account solely for the purpose of using with your test Donorfy account.
Generating the HTML code to embed in your website
Follow these instructions to create a Stripe (cards) widget, or these instructions for a GoCardless (Direct Debit) widget.
Copy the generated HTML so that you can embed it into a page on your website.
Adding the Widget to your website
Create a new page on your website. Paste the HTML that you copied in the previous step into the new page. Ensure that you are pasting it as HTML code, not as content to be displayed on the page (in WordPress for example, make sure you have the Text tab highlighted:
Are you using Squarespace?
There are some specific steps to getting a widget working in Squarespace, see this article
Don't use iFrames with GoCardless - GoCardless Web Widgets cannot be contained in an iFrame
Modifying and styling the Widget
You will want to modify the widget so that it is styled nicely into your website. You may also want to default certain values or hide fields. Within reason, you can do what you like here to make the widget appear and behave as you wish.
The key things that you must NOT change are:
- The form tag
- The ids, names and maximum field lengths of the input fields
- The hidden fields at the end of the generated HTML - after the comment 'Do not change these values' - these are used to control the operation of the widget.
Making the Card Number and associated fields look like the other fields on your page
When the card number, expiry date, and CVC fields are added to your page by Stripe they will not have any styling - e.g. background colour, font size etc - associated with them. You may want to add some styling so these fields are consistent with the rest of your page.
You can use the InitialiseForm function to style the controls that Stripe Elements adds to your page - see the example below - also see the Stripe knowledgebase articles for more info.
function InitialiseForm() {
var elementStyles = {
base: {
color: '#32325D',
fontWeight: 500,
fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro, Consolas, Menlo, monospace',
fontSize: '16px',
fontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
'::placeholder': {
color: '#CFD7DF',
':-webkit-autofill': {
color: '#e39f48',
invalid: {
color: '#E25950','::placeholder': {color: '#FFCCA5',},
var elementClasses = {
focus: 'focused',
empty: 'empty',
invalid: 'invalid',
cardNumber.update({style: elementStyles, classes: elementClasses} );
cardExpiry.update({style: elementStyles, classes: elementClasses} );
cardCvc.update({style: elementStyles, classes: elementClasses} );
Adding additional fields on the widget
You can prompt for additional information on Web Widgets to enrich data collection. See these articles:
- Using Tags in the widgets
- Allowing Purposes in Web Widgets
- Specifying donation beneficiaries in the Widgets
This article has information about troubleshooting common web widget problems