Creating Gift Aid Declarations when Uploading Donations


When you upload a file containing donations you can also include information to allow Gift Aid Declarations to be added at the same time. 

Download the Donorfy Data Preparation Template from the link on the Data Management > File Upload menu.


Once downloaded, open the template in Excel. 

Within the Donations worksheet, to the right, you will find the following columns:

  • Create Gift Aid Declaration - enter Yes in this column to create a gift aid declaration for the person who made the donation
  • Declaration Date - enter the date the declaration was made - if you leave this blank the donation date paid will be used 
  • Declaration Start Date - enter the date the declaration started, if a date is not provided the start date will be set to 4 years before the declaration date
  • Declaration End Date - enter the date the declaration will end, if a date is not provided the end date will be set to 99 years after the declaration date
  • Declaration Method - this should be a valid gift aid declaration method - as set up in your settings
  • Confirmation Required? - Enter Yes if a confirmation must be sent before you can claim using the new declaration - see this article for more info
  • Tax Payer Title, Tax Payer First Name, Tax Payer Last Name - the name of the person making the declaration - if these are not provided the title and name from the constituent will be used
  • AttachedDocument - this allows you to link a document (e.g. scan of a gift aid declaration) to the gift aid declaration - please see this article for more information



Complete the template as per Importing Donations (Transactions) and enter the details as per the guidance above for those that require Gift Aid Declarations to be created.


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