Sending Task Notifications


Within Donorfy you are able to send a notification to the person that you are assigning a task to. The person will then see an outstanding task on their login and also receive an email. 

Tasks that have been assigned to you will appear in the Task Reminders section of your home screen and will be displayed in one of the following there tabs: 

  • Overdue - tasks that should have been actioned by now! 
  • Today - tasks with the date set as today
  • Future - tasks need to be actioned by a certain date

Task Statistics Example

Please note that this feature is available when you link your email system to Donorfy. See Sending Emails from Donorfy - if you use Gmail this might help Using Gmail with Donorfy - for advice on how to do this.


Sending a task notification

When you create or edit a task, set ‘Send Notification for this Task’ to Yes - see below - a notification will be emailed to the person the task is assigned to.

Activity Send Notification Example


The notification email, which will contain the details of the task that has been assigned, will also contain an invite file which optionally allows the recipient to add the notification to their calendar.

When you open an existing task you see any details of the last notification sent. You can then resend the notification by setting ‘Send Notification for this Task’ to Yes and saving.

Task Notified Example


Once you have completed the task, simply set the task to complete, this will then clear the task from your Task Notification alerts.


Error Message

It can be difficult to get some 'on-premises' email systems - like Microsoft Exchange - to work well with other systems like Donorfy. Some people have circumvented that problem by setting up a Gmail account for sending Donorfy emails see Using Gmail with Donorfy

 If you get the below error message, or something similar, it may be a problem with the connection between Donorfy and your email system, see this for more info Troubleshooting Problems Sending Emails:

"Activity Saved but an error occurred sending the notification" and one under the task itself saying "Problem sending task notification to [NAME] on 23 May 2017 by [NAME]  Error - Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender".




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