Bulk Deletion of Timeline Activities


Occasionally you may need to delete Activities from a Constituent Timeline, whilst they can be manually deleted from within the Timeline, if there is a large number of Activities to delete then the process described below can be used.


This is a three-stage process:

1. Identify the Activities that you would like to delete

2. Mark the activities you want to remove - this allows you to 

  • Double-check you have marked the correct activities 
  • If needed use several lists to mark activities

3. Run the delete process


Please note

This process can not be undone. 

It is recommended that prior to any deletion a download of the Activities being marked for deletion is completed.



  • To use this feature, the User must have an Administrator Account



Marking Activities for Deletion

Locate the Activities

  • The deletion process works from an Activity List, however, to identify the Activities that you would like to delete you may need to undertake some additional work, such as Tagging certain constituents that should be omitted, or fulfilling other criteria that an Activity List does not cover.
  • Once your pre-work is completed and your Activity List is finalised to include the Activities you want to mark for deletion, Save and Preview your List. 
  • At this stage, you should download your data, in case you need to re-add the data.


Mark the Activities 

  • Click on the bulk delete / archive button - as shown below:
  • Click on Mark all activities on the list for deletion

  • Once you have selected the Mark all activities on the list for deletion option it will be queued for processing:

    • An email will be sent to you to confirm the process has been completed
    • Once you have received this email Refresh the browser tab for the Activity List 
    • Your name will be noted as the person who marked the Activity for bulk delete (see Marked for deletion by field)
    • The Activity on the Constituent Timeline will also show a confirmation of pending deletion: 


Reporting on Activities Marked for Deletion

If have marked Activities for deletion and want to report on them prior to deleting, for example, data validation by another user prior to removing them from your Donorfy, there are three fields that can be added to your Activity Lists:

  1. Marked for Bulk Delete by
  2. Marked for Bulk Delete on
  3. Marked for Bulk Delete Status


Undoing/Resetting Marking for deletion

If there are Activities that have been marked for deletion and no longer need to be, you can use the Activity List to unmark them for deletion. 

Create your List so that only those that require un-marking are present. 

  • Click on the bulk delete / archive button - as shown below:
  • Click on Reset mark for deletion for all activities on this list

  • Once you have selected the Reset mark for deletion for all activities on this list option it will be queued for processing

    • An email will be sent to you to confirm the process has been completed
    • Once you have received this email Refresh the browser tab for the Activity List 
    • Details referring to a deletion will now have been removed from the fields (see reporting section above) in the List
    • The Activity on the Constituent Timeline will no longer show a confirmation of the pending deletion


Action the deletion


  • Once all your activities are marked open Data Management > Bulk Delete
  • Click on the Timeline tab

  • From the dropdown box select Activities 

  • Click on the Preview Delete button
  • A confirmation action will appear. 


Once the activities have been deleted they cannot be recovered.

If you want to retain a backup you can download the List you used to review which Activities are marked for deletion prior to the next step.


  • Confirm by typing Delete N (N being the number to be deleted), for example: Delete 96
  • Click on the Delete button
  • The deletion will then display in the Previous Bulk Deletes area directly below.
  • An email will also be sent to you to confirm.















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