List Types


The Lists within Donorfy cover the following areas:

Constituent data Financial data Timeline data Other
Members List Soft Credit List    
  Membership List    
 Custom List Views - these are only available for Professional Own Azure accounts 
Constituent List Transaction List (ALL / Payment or Allocation) Activity List Campaign List
Constituent Tag List Recurring Payment Instruction List Gift Aid Declaration List Fundraising Page List
Connection List Opportunity List   Change Log List
Recurring Payment Beneficiaries List Opportunity Pledges List    


Each List Type is explained below


Constituent data Lists

Constituent List

A Constituent List allows you to ask questions specific to a Constituent's Profile, such as contact details, Tags, communications purposes and financial summary data. Great for creating Campaign Segments, contact lists and searching for people or organisations.

Constituent Lists are also used as the basis for syncing data to MailChimp - see: Step 5: Updating Mailchimp from Donorfy


Creating your Constituent List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, select Constituent List

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  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview



From within a Constituent List you can also:


Show your List under the main Constituent menu

Within the Details section of your List, toggle the Show in Menu switch to Yes.

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You will find this option below the List Tags field. 


When selected it means that the list will be visible as a sub-menu item under the Constituents link in the left-hand navigation area (click the + button to reveal them)


Click on Constituents…


You can now also set a Constituent List so that it is only viewable within the Show in Menu list to those users that are tagged in the List.

To add the permissions, click into the drop-down box called "Which users can see?". A selection list will appear of those users who have Lists as a user setting permission.

You can click on each user that you would like to see this List from within the Show in Menu list, then Save List and Fetch Results.



Check Channel and Purpose permissions with ease

Within the Filter Section a pre-filter option will be displayed. If you intend to perform a mailing based on your List this option should be used to quickly ensure that the Constituents within your List have consented to the appropriate Channels and/or Purposes without building the criteria into the List Filters. 

  • To use the function click into the Channels box and select one or more of the settings as required,

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  • AND ANY of these Purpose settings - (Constituent List only) like the Channels option above, you can select the various permissions. Only those Constituents matching those Purposes will be included in your List results.
    To use the function click into the Purposes box and select one or more of the settings as required,
    Purpose filter Example

    The relationship between the Channels and Purposes settings is AND so if you select from both Channels and Purposes both conditions will need to be met.



The List should include archived Constituents

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You can opt to include any archived constituents in the result set - toggle the option to Yes and Save and Preview - the data set will now include these constituents. 

If you would like to limit the type of archived constituents to a certain reason or reasons, then you will need to add the ArchivedReason field to your List Filters accordingly.


Download options 

Under the download data option there are some standard features and also some additional features are available when exporting Constituent Lists:

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  • Create separate files for each communication channel - when selected will create separate CSV files for each channel in the List results

Editing _ How to Download All Constituents - Google Chrome 2024-12-20 at 3.52.22 PM

  • Combine people at the same address into one row - If you select this option then if the download file contains people who are linked to another constituent’s address only one row will be included in the download file for those people - the address, label name and salutation from the linked address will be included in the file.

  • Use Alternate label name and Salutation - Will be added to your download file 
    You will need to included the Alternate Salutation and Alternate Label Name columns in your List for this option to be displayed.

  • Add Activities to Timeline - This extremely helpful option is a big timesaver!
    When selected, this will create a new Activity on the Timeline for every Constituent in the List.

    The Activity Date, Campaign, Activity Type and Notes data options are presented so that you can add the same Activity to all Constituents in one go, for example:

Click on Alt+s Save List and Fetch the Results…

Undoing Activities added by a List

Activities added in error via a Constituent List can be removed by using the Undo Activities option. The download can be located at Home > My Downloads

  • Once you have located your List download, click on the description and a pop-up window will be shown
  • Click on the undo Activities button

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Mailchimp Updates

List All Constituents - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 10.58.28 AM

Use this tab when syncing to a Mailchimp List. See this article for more info.


Dotdigital Sync

Use this tab when syncing to a Dotdigital List. See this article for more info.



Constituent Tag List

Tags feature extra details within them, such as Start Date, End Date, Campaign, if it's an Excluded Tag or not, Notes and Custom Fields, and a Constituent Tag List provides the route to that data.

Unlike a Constituent List that can return all those Constituents who have a particular Tag applied, a Constituent Tag List looks at the data from the Tag viewpoint and will then return all those Constituents who match the criteria that you have specified with your filters.

Constituent Tag List uses the Tag as the source, so depending on your List's filter, a Constituent could appear more than once. For example, a Constituent who has 5 Tags on their profile will appear 5 times. 

To hone in on the data that you require, you will need to add a filter(s) so that only the Tag(s) that you wish to report on are included, as shown in the example below - only return those Constituents with the Finance Tag:

Editing _ List of Constituent Tags in Finance - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 3.20.13 PM


Please note

Only where a Tag is present for a Constituent the filter will draw back the information.
If there is no Tag present no information will be drawn back, i.e you can't use the filter 'has non of the following' as there will be no Tag recorded on the Constituent profile for Donorfy to use as the filter.

To find out how tags work, please see this article Tags Overview

Other Constituent-based fields can be used in the filter, e.g. permitted channels, etc - this allows you to build lists that can be used for mailings based on a Tag.


Creating your Constituent Tag List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, select Constituent Tag List

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  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview



Downloading Your List

When you download your List, you can also:

  • Add Activities to Timeline - This extremely helpful option is a big timesaver!
    When selected, this will create a new Activity on the Timeline for every Constituent in the List.

    The Activity Date, Campaign, Activity Type and Notes data options are presented so that you can add the same Activity to all Constituents in one go, for example:

Click on Alt+s Save List and Fetch the Results…

Undoing Activities added by a List

Activities added in error via a Constituent List can be removed by using the Undo Activities option. The download can be located at Home > My Downloads

Editing _ How to Undo Activities on the Home Page - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 10.55.33 AM

  • Once you have located your List download, click on the description and a pop-up window will be shown
  • Click on the undo Activities button


Connection List

Connection Lists can help you find and understand the links between your Constituents. 

The Connection List is based on the user-defined connections that have been added to Constituent profiles.

Connections are reciprocal, so the Connection resides on the profile of each Constituent that the Connection is between. To find out more about Connections see this article: Connections

A Connection List returns both Constituents for that Connection Type and the data returned within the List will show which side of the Connection it relates to: From or To

Similarly, the filters within the List also feature From and To variants.

For example, if you wanted to see all Constituents who are employed by a Company, you can build your filters as the example below:

Filters: Connection Type = Employs

Data Results:

  • From Constituent = Company (Acme)
  • To Constituent = the employee (Buggs Bunny)

Editing _ How to Save and Fetch Connection Results - Google Chrome 2024-12-20 at 3.38.48 PM  

Switching the Connection Type to the reciprocal of Employs i.e Works for, will return:

  • From Constituent = Buggs Bunny
  • To Constituent = Acme


Information available:

  • Contact details, such as email, address, phone numbers, etc. for both sides of the connection
  • Connection dates – so you can find connections active between date x and date y
  • Connection Strength (see below)
  • Connection notes
  • Prospect research information for both records
  • Financial summary details for both sides of the connection

Connection Strength

The connection strength indicates how warm the connection is between the main constituent and the Connected To Constituent. 

The strength indicator on a profile is a scale of 1-5 (cool to hot) – you can set out your own definitions for the use of this.

There are 4 fields relating to Connection Strength only the following fields are currently used:

  1. Connection Strength
  2. Connection Strength 1 – records the same details as Connection Strength



Creating your Connection List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, select Connection List

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  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview



From within a Connection List you can also:


Mailing from a Connection List

Whilst you can obtain contact details from a Connection List, the contact preferences available in the data selection only relate to the From person.

Contact preferences are not available for the To connection.

To obtain the contact permissions for the To Connection you will need to download your List, ensuring that the Connected to Number is within the Reults, and then use the File Uploader to add a tag to the constituent profiles.

Once you have added your Tag, you can then create a Constituent List based on the Tag.

The Constituent List can then be Downloaded and Excel used to lookup data between your two datasheets.


Adding and Deleting Tags

Within the Connection List you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. The Tag will be applied to the From Constituent. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List

To Tag the To Constituents, you will need to download your List, ensuring that the Connected to Number is within the Reults, and then use the File Uploader to add a tag to the constituent profiles.



Financial data Lists

Transaction List

Transaction Lists are useful for giving you information about the financial income within your Donorfy, but to make use of them you need to understand what they're showing you.

In Donorfy, a Transaction is made up of two 'halves' - the Payment (e.g. £100), and it's Allocation (e.g. Donation - £100). See this article for more information.

It's possible to have more than one allocation per payment (a split gift) e.g. £100 payment that covers a £70 donation (allocation 1) and £30 subscription (allocation 2).

Each element - the payment and allocations - represents a separate row in a Transaction List.

There are three types of Transaction List, each with a slightly different view of a Transaction:

  1. Transaction All List
  2. Transaction Payment List
  3. Transaction Allocation List

Each section (payment and allocation) of a Transaction has its own ID (Transaction Number).

Transaction Number for the Payment section of a Transaction is the same ID that is displayed on the Constituent Timeline. 


Great, now we know all that let's look at the three types of Transaction List...


Transaction All List

This List type provides the most flexibility in reporting as both halves of the Transaction are returned, allowing you to see the most amount of data about the Transaction. 

When using this List type you can refine the filter to return a subset of the Transaction, i.e. the Payment or the Allocation.

So if you want a List of Payments, make sure the Filter contains this:

  • Type | Equals | Payment 

Editing _ List Allocation Test in Donorfy - Google Chrome 2024-12-20 at 3.45.35 PM

And if you want a List of Allocations, the Filter should contain:

  • Type | Equals | Allocation

Editing _ List Allocation Test in Donorfy - Google Chrome 2024-12-20 at 3.47.58 PM

If you don't apply a filter on the Type, you will get multiple rows in your Transaction List, for example, a donation with a single allocation would return 2 rows and a split donation containing 2 allocations would return 3 rows


Please note

Transaction All Lists are also used as a Condition for Triggers. If the List is to be used as a Trigger Condition, then you will need to ensure that only one-half of the Transaction is being used - i.e the Payment or the Allocation.


Other key things to note:

  • Payment rows do not contain Allocation-specific data, such as Allocation Amount and Allocation Transaction Number.
  • Allocation rows do not contain the Payment Transaction Number.
  • Financial information such as Amount, Processing Costs, and Gift Aid Amount Claimed will not be apportioned or equated across the Allocation rows as it is a single amount held within the Payment header section.


Transaction Payment List

A Transaction Payment List returns the Payment header details and should not be used to report on Allocation-related details such as Fund, Allocation Amount, Department, Accounting Date, Date Due as these may vary by allocation.

If an Allocation-related field is added to the List data field outputs or filters then it will return the first added or most recently added Allocation detail.

A Transaction Payment List can not report on the number of Allocations that make up the payment nor the Transaction 


Transaction Allocation List

A Transaction Allocation List returns the Allocation details for the more granular reporting of a Transaction, i.e to the Fund level. 

A Transaction Allocation List, as with a Transaction All List, will also include the Payment header details, however, where there are multiple Allocations for a Payment the Payment header detail will be returned for each Allocation, for example, if the donation has a processing fee of £2.50 and there are two Allocations, £2.50 will be returned for each line. 

The calculation of the Processing Costs and Gift Aid Amount Claimed per Allocation would need to be completed within Excel. 

An Allocation List can not report the Transaction Number of the Payment, so to the working out of corresponding Allocations to a Transaction would need to be done based on other fields, such as Accounting Date and Date Paid to make the comparison.


Creating your Transaction List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Transaction List

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  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


From within a Transaction List you can also:


Add and Delete Tags

Within the Transaction Lists you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List


Recurring Payment Instruction List

Recurring Payment Instructions Lists provide the ability to view both financial, statistical and constituent information attributed to that Recurring Payment Instruction.

Recurring Payment Lists also include Memberships enabling reporting from a single point. Memberships also have their own specific List Type which is detailed also in this article.

Whilst there is a wealth of information about the Recurring Payment Instruction, there may be times where you need to pair this information with other details, such as the linked Transactions or Connected to Constituents, in these cases, you may need to download the list as a CSV file and load it into Excel to perform more complex analysis. 

Below are some examples of how to make use of that information for planning and decision-making...

How do I ...

Find all constituents who donate regularly via other Lists


If you solely use RPIs in Donorfy you can utilise a Recurring Payment Instructions List to add a Tag to a constituent profile. Setting the Tag to be an AutoTag will then auto-update your Donorfy nightly and Tag any new regular donors. 

Transactions added and not linked to an RPI but are recurring donations can be reported on via a Transaction List, where the Payment Method is set to be Recurring - see: Payment Methods  


Find everyone who missed a payment this month (or last month etc)?


  Create a list with a filter for the LastPaymentMissedYear & LastPaymentMissedMonth you are interested in - the months as stored as numbers 1 for January etc

Find everyone who has missed payment(s)?


  Use a list with a filter for Status = Overdue

Find recurring payment instructions that will end on a certain date?


  Filter for AllocationEndDate for date you are interested in - if an instruction has several payments running this will be the first one to finish

Send information or a membership pack to all current members who are due one this month?


  Make sure you are only including active instructions by filtering for Status = Active
and then choose the month based on StartMonth = month you are interested in
Send a thank you to my regular donors?  

 Make sure you are only including active instructions by filtering for Status = Active
and could then restrict things further e.g. by month based on StartMonth, or PaymentFrequency


Thank people who have recently signed up as a regular donor?


  Filter for DateAdded to find new recurring payment instructions 
Analyse how campaigns, funds, channels, products and so on are performing? 


One recurring payment instruction can contain multiple payments and allocation - when you create a list of recurring payment instructions the campaigns, channels etc are stored in a comma-separated list - in addition, the payment and allocation amounts are stored in a corresponding comma-separated lists called PaymentsBreakdown and AllocationsBreakdown

Download the list into Excel and use the tools to analyse the data further


Work out expected income?


Make sure you are only including active instructions by filtering for Status = Active then the amount will be the amount you can expect - you can use the PaymentFrequency to know whether its every month, or year etc 

To perform more complex cash flow analysis you could download the list into Excel - the StartMonth will help determine which months payments can be expected


Find recurring payment instructions that have been cancelled.


You will need to use the filter for Cancel Date
You can then set your preferred date range or use a dynamic date such as isToday or Is in this Month, etc.


Creating your Recurring Instruction Payment List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Recurring Instruction Payment List

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  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


From within a Recurring Instruction Payment List you can also:


Add and Delete Tags

Within the Recurring Instruction List you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List

Recurring Payment Instruction Beneficiary List

A beneficiary is often used where you have a membership or friends scheme where one constituent can gift or pay for membership for another constituent who gets the benefits of a Recurring Payment Instruction (RPI).

A beneficiary List features contact details for both the payer and the beneficiary, along with details relating to the RPI. This allows you to create mailings based on the RPI Product, Fund, etc, to the Beneficiary - e.g. providing an update to a sponsored penguin, child or twinned loo, etc.

It should be noted that a beneficiary of an RPI can be the payer themselves, so if you would like to locate RPIs where the beneficiary does not equal the payer, the List results will need to be downloaded and then filtered within Excel. 


Creating your Recurring Payment Instruction Beneficiary List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Recurring Payment Instruction Beneficiary List

Editing _ Switching to Standard Donorfy Look - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 10.29.30 AM


  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


From within a Recurring Payment Instruction Beneficiary List you can also:


Add and Delete Tags

Within the Recurring Instruction Beneficiary List you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List


Membership List

A Membership List is very similar to the Recurring Payment Instruction List (see above) as both share the same basic functions of an RPI, though a Membership List also includes specific fields for the Membership, for example:

Member Contact Details Membership Custom Fields Member count Membership Started On Date
Payer Contact Details Gift Membership Paid up to Date Membership Status

A Membership List also includes key details of the Membership itself, along with the custom fields. 

Custom Fields:

Where you would like to filter using custom fields, these will be named Text1, Number1, Yes/No1, etc., rather than the name that was assigned to them within settings. This is because the List does not know which item will be returned for which specific Product.


Creating your Membership List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Membership List

Editing _ Switching to Standard Donorfy Look - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 10.29.30 AM


  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


From within a Membership List you can also:


Add and Delete Tags

Within the Membership List, you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List

Members List

In a similar way to a Recurring Instruction Beneficiary List, a Members Lists provides the details of those named members within the Membership where they have a Constituent Profile on your Donorfy. Otherwise, basic details will be returned. 

A Members List also includes key details of the Membership itself, along with the custom fields. 

Custom Fields:

Where you would like to filter using custom fields, these will be named Text1, Number1, Yes/No1, etc., rather than the name that was assigned to them within settings. This is because the List does not know which item will be returned for which specific Product.


Creating your Members List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Member List

Editing _ Switching to Standard Donorfy Look - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 10.29.30 AM


  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


From within a Membership List you can also:


Add and Delete Tags

Within the Members List, you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List


Opportunity List

Whilst the daily management of Opportunities occurs within the Opportunities feature, an Opportunities List enables you to quickly report on both financial and non-financial information, for example:

  • Need to report on the Forecast amount for Corporate Asks?
  • Need to summarise the value of Opportunities within a particular Stage?
  • Create a mailing for those Opportunities within a particular Stage?
  • Find all Opportunities for a particular year


An Opportunity List is where this can be achieved.

Available fields to report from specific to an Opportunity are:

Application Deadline Date Entity Number Last Pledge Paid Opportunity Description
Ask Amount Entity Sub Type Notes Opportunity Number
Campaign First Pledge Expected Number Opportunity Type
Closed Date First Pledge Paid Number Of Pledges Outcome
Current Stage  Forecast Number Of Pledges Paid Selected Items
Days to Close Forecast Amount Opportunity Contact Total Pledged
Description Is Non Financial Opportunity Contact Number Total Pledges Paid
Entity Last Pledge Expected Opportunity Date Type

Constituent data is also readily available, such as contact details and preferences, Prospect Research information and Giving Summary Stats.


Creating your Opportunity List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Opportunity List

Editing _ Switching to Standard Donorfy Look - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 10.29.30 AM


  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


From within a Opportunity List you can also:


Add and Delete Tags

Within the Opportunity List you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List

Pledge List

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Timeline Data Lists

Activity List

An Activity is a type of Timeline entry in Donorfy. It is used to represent the various interactions that you have with Constituents - such as:

  • a phone call, in or outbound
  • a letter received or sent
  • a meeting
  • a request for a fundraising pack
  • etc

Within an Activity List, you can opt to base your List on All Activities and then use the filter options to locate the various Activities that you would like to see.

In the example below, Constituents who Have an Eventbrite Order OR have the Banger Racing Activity on their Timeline will be returned:

Editing _ Switching to Standard Donorfy Look - Google Chrome 2025-01-07 at 9.11.18 AM


Or, you can pre-filter the List by selecting an Activity from the drop-down option - using this option for your List will then only return results specific for that Activity Type.

In the example below, only those Constituents who have the Banger Racing Activity on their Timeline will be returned:


Editing _ Switching to Standard Donorfy Look - Google Chrome 2025-01-07 at 9.12.50 AM


Custom Fields:

Where you would like to filter using custom fields, where the List is based on All Activities, these will be named Text1, Number1, Yes/No1, etc. rather than the name that was assigned to them within settings. This is because at this point, the List does not know which item will be returned for which specific Activity.

However, when the List is pre-filtered by the specific Activity Type, the names that have been assigned to those custom fields will be provided. For example, T-Shirt Size, or How many people in your Team?


Creating your Activity List 

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Activity List

Editing _ Switching to Standard Donorfy Look - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 10.29.30 AM


  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


From within an Activity List you can also:


Add and Delete Tags

Within the Activity List you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List


Mark Timeline Items for Deletion

There may be times where Timeline Activity items have been added incorrectly or are no longer required, these can be marked for deletion using this option. For a detailed guide on how to action this, see here: Bulk Deletion of Timeline Activities


Gift Aid Declaration List

A Gift Aid Declaration List provides you with the details about each GAD that your supporter has completed either offline or online.

You can easily create Lists to identify which Constituents have a GAD that is Active, Cancelled, Awaiting Confirmation, which GADS are about to expire and more!

A Gift Aid Declaration List can also be used to add a Tag to the Constituent Timeline - this will help to provide additional visibility of supporters with GADs from other List Types.

This can be coupled with the Auto Tags feature to ensure that the Tags are kept up-to-date automatically.


Creating your Gift Aid Declaration List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Gift Aid Declaration List

Editing _ Switching to Standard Donorfy Look - Google Chrome 2024-12-18 at 10.29.30 AM


  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


From within an Gift Aid Declaration List you can also:

Add and Delete Tags

Within the Gift Aid Declaration List you can also add Tags to Constituent profiles. 

The process of adding and deleting Tags is detailed here: Adding or Deleting a Tag from all Constituents on a List


Other Data Lists

Campaign List
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Change Log List

The Change Log List allows you to look for changes made to the data in your Donorfy using a range of filters including:

  • Who made the change
  • When the change was made 
  • What was changed 
  • Which constituent the data was associated with

Typically the Change Log includes details from the last 12 months.

Change Log Lists can not be downloaded to Excel, instead, only a PDF report can be created.


You must be an Administrator in your Donorfy to be able to use Change Log Lists


Creating your Change Log List

  • Click on the Add button at the top of your Donorfy screen
  • Then from the Lists section, and select your preferred Change Log List

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  • Name your List in the description field
  • and click on Add

Your List will be created and show you the sections: Details, Filters, Columns, Results

From here you can start adding the filters to answer your question.

When creating your List, it is best practice to add a date range filter so that minimal data is returned and within a quicker timeframe. 

Clicking on an item in the lists allows you to see more details of the fields that were changed


For details about the features and sections within Lists see the article: Lists Overview


Custom List View

Donorfy comes with standard list views, so that when you create a new list the data within that List is based on that single view, e.g. Constituent, Activity, Transaction and so on.

With Custom List Views, you can create your own specialised views for the way you want to query the data within your Donorfy.

Custom list views enable you to query your data at scale by optimising the performance of that List by streamlining what data is being recalled, i.e your specified data fields only, and not peripheral information that you do require. 




Custom Lists view is a Professional-only feature available to those organisations who also have an OwnAzure subscription. If, after reading through this documentation you feel that Custom List Views is right for your charity or organisation please contact us to find out more about upgrading.


Custom List view creation steps

To add a custom list view you need to:

  1. Create a SQL View to provide the data for the list - this is a technical task so you might need the help of a Donorfy partner - more information is provided below
  2. Add the details of the View in Donorfy in Settings > Configuration > Custom Lists


Creating your SQL View 

Use SQL Management Studio to create a view. The view must:

  • Be created in the schema called [custom]
  • Contain the following standard columns (making sure the data types and lengths are correct)
    • [FK_TenantId] - Guid - this Id represents the organisation using Donorfy
    • [EntityId] - Guid - this is the Id of an existing item in Donorfy you can link to 
    • [Entity] - nvarchar(20) e.g. Constituent, Campaign, Opportunity
    • [EntitySubType] - nvarchar(50) - can be a subtype of the main entity - e.g. a Constituent Type - or can be empty 
    • [EntityNumber] - bigint - e.g. Constituent Number 
    • [Status] - nvarchar(10) - whether the item is active or not - usually based on the IsActive column
    • [Description] - nvarchar(100) - a description of the item returned by the List
    • [Id] - Guid - the id of the item returned by the List - often the same as[EntityId]
    • [Type] - nvarchar(50) - the type - e.g. an Opportunity Type - can empty or the same as [Entity] or [EntitySubType]

When the List results are displayed you will need a column in your view which contains the Id of the Donorfy entity which should be opened when an item in the list is clicked, you can open a Constituent, Campaign or Opportunity, this column must:

  • Be a Guid
  • Should not end in Id 
  • Should not contain _FK_
  • Suggested name for this column is [LinksTo] 

Add other columns which you want to make available in the list - do not use column names ending Id or containing _FK_ 

You can use standard Donorfy views (e.g. [dbo].[vConstituentBase]) in your view. You can also look at the standard views used by lists to better understand how to write your view - the standard views are named v<ListType>Filter e.g. vConstituentFilter

Allowing Dropdowns in List Filters

If you name the columns in your view using the same names as the standard Donorfy views then a dropdown will be made available for them when building a filter, e.g. if you include the Product column in your views you should name the column Transaction_Product 


Add the details of the View to the Custom Lists

In Settings > Configuration > Custom Lists add a new entry, as per the example below: 

  • Description - this will appear on the Add menu under the Lists column.
    Your Custom List descriptions should not be the same as the standard Donorfy List Types
  • Custom List Type - indicates what type of entity should be opened when an item in the list is clicked
  • View Name - is the name of your SQL View - including the schema, with square brackets as per the example.
  • Default Sort Column - is the column that the Lists based on this view will be sorted by. With or without square brackets.
  • Link EntityId Column - is the name of the column that contains the Id of the item to open when an item in the List is clicked e.g. LinksTo. Note: square brackets are not required on this field.

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Changing the underlying view

If you make changes to your SQL View, e.g. adding or removing columns:

  • Open the Custom List definition in Settings > Configuration > Custom Lists
  • Press the Refresh button to update Donorfy with your changes

Your new List will appear on the Add menu as shown in the example below.

You may need to sign out and back in again before you can see them.

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Please note that Custom List Views are not supported by Donorfy. They should be supported by the person/Donorfy Partner who built them. 



The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Lists - enrol here


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