We’ve recently made an update to our Web Widgets to enable them to handle long reCaptcha tokens that are periodically issued when payments are made using Stripe.
If you have any Widgets created prior to 13th May 2024 you will need to update them to take advantage of this change.
In order to do so you will need to update your Widget/s and replace the current referenced version of the stripepayments_yyyy.x.x.js with the version below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://az763204.vo.msecnd.net/wwjs/stripepayments_2024.5.1.js"></script>
If you are generating a new Web Widget from within Donorfy you will not need to do this as the updated version will already be included
Please note, if your web developer has edited the previous Stripe Javascript to add a source or other details, then those changes would also need be added to the revised Stripe Javascript. Please consult with your web developer about this.