List Overrides


List Overrides are a special setting within a Tag that is used to add or remove Constituents from manual or combined lists - As with other Tags, List Overrides are shown in the within the Tag Categories panel on the Constituent profile, but display as in a different colour.

To add a List Overide:

  • Select the Tag that is to be applied to the Constituent's Profile
  • add any details for the Tag within the fields
  • click on tag you just added and set 'Tag Excluded' to Yes
  • click on Save Changes - the Tag will be shown in grey to indicate the constituent is excluded on the list

What’s the difference between an exclude (grey) tag and no tag?

If you have a combined list (e.g. for sending out a newsletter) a constituent may be included on the list based on the filter rules for the list - i.e. their list override tags did not contain a blue tag for the list.

However if the constituent contacted you and said they didn’t want to receive the newsletter you can explicitly exclude them from the list by adding a grey exclude tag.

What’s the difference between an include (blue) tag and no tag?

If you have a combined list (e.g. for sending out a newsletter) a constituent may be excluded from the list based on the filter rules for the list.

However if the constituent contacted you and said they would like to receive the newsletter you can explicitly include them from the list by adding a blue include tag.

When a Donorfy list is synchronised with a Mailchimp list

Note that

  • the list override tag controls whether or not the constituent appears on the list in Donorfy
  • However for the constituent to be sync’d to a Mailchimp list they must also
    • have a valid email address
    • not be blocked for email


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