You can connect Donorfy to Stripe to allow you to collect one-off or recurring payments by paid by credit or debit card through a Donorfy Campaign Donate Page, Donation Form or Web Widget.
You don’t need an existing Stripe account as you can create one as part of linking Donorfy to Stripe, to create the link follow these steps:
Connect to Stripe
- Open Settings > Configuration > Stripe Connect
By default, the Configuration area opens up to display Activity Types. If you click into the drop-down box underneath where it says "Select the type of settings you want to work with from the list below" further settings will become available, but you can either free type 'Stripe' or scroll down the list until you locate 'Stripe Connect'. - Once the Stripe Connect Settings are open, click the Stripe button:
- You will be taken to Stripe, if you
- already have a Stripe account you can sign in and connect that account to Donorfy
- don’t have a Stripe account complete the form to create one
- Once you have connected your Stripe account you will be returned to Donorfy
Stripe - Statement Text
By default, your organisation’s name will appear on the donor’s credit card statement for their donation.
However, please note: that the Statement Text can be up to 22 characters long and must not include the charters < > " or ' - also special characters (known technically as non-ASCII characters) will be removed - so it’s best to stick to letters and numbers.
Once you have completed the Statement Text - this can be changed at a later stage if required. Just enter your preferred statement text and press Update.
Google reCaptcha v3 Settings
Google reCaptcha v3 is used to help prevent fraudsters from using your Stripe web widgets for card testing - see this article for more information - if you plan on creating Stripe web widgets you need to register for and set up reCaptcha v3.
If you intend to use Donorfy Campaign Donation Pages then you do not need to register for reCaptcha v3 as you can use reCaptcha registered by Donorfy.
Click on Update to Save changes
NOTE: the integration uses Stripe's API. Please check their website for the availability of the API for your organisation. It may not be available on certain price plans - this is beyond Donorfy's control.
The integration is only for transactions originating from a Donorfy Campaign Donate Page, Donation Form or Web Widget and will not add transactions that enter your Stripe account from other sources.
The integration can only work with one Stripe account.