Merging Constituents


If you end up with two records for one constituent you can use the constituent merge feature to merge the records into one.


You need to be in the system admin role to use this option.


To merge your constituents, you will need to: 

  • Find the constituent record you want to keep (the target constituent)
  • Click on the Manage menu and select the Merge Constituent option 

    Select Merge Constituent Example
  • The Merge Constituents form will be displayed. The target constituent will be displayed, this is the record that will be kept after the merge. 

Merge Constituent Options Example

  • Click on Find Source Constituent - this is constituent whose details will be merged into the target constituent - and start to type their details in 

    Click Find Source Constituent Example

Search for Source Constituent Example

  • From the list of constituents displayed, select the record that you want to merge into the target constituent
  • Press the merge button to merge the records

Confirm Constituent Merge Example

  • Donorfy will ask you to confirm the merge 
    Confirm Merge Constituent Example

 The merge is confirmed, Donorfy will perform the merge as follows:

  • For details on the constituent profile: 
    • if a piece of information is empty on the target but present on the source - then it will be copied over. e.g. if the Date of Birth was empty on the target but present on the source it will be copied over
    • if a piece of information is present on both the target constituent and source constituent then the target constituent value will be kept. The source constituent information that cannot end up on the target constituent is preserved on the archived source constituent
  • Addresses - the merge function will not try and merge addresses. This means

    • if an address is empty on the target constituent but present on the source constituent it will be copied over
    • if an address is empty on the target constituent but a linked address is present on the source it will be copied over
    • if an address is present in both target and source constituents then it will not be copied 
  • Email and phone numbers are copied into spare empty fields, for example, the preferred email from the source constituent might become the alternate email on the target constituent if the target already has a preferred email address but no alternate email 
  • Communication preferences will take the most recently updated value (excluding the yellow "unknown" state) from either the target constituent or source constituent.
  • List overrides are not changed on the target constituent by the merge - so you should compare these before the merge
  • Social media ids and tags will be copied to the target constituent from the source constituent if they don't exist on the target
  • Timeline entries and connections from the source constituent are added to the timeline and connections of the target constituent
  • If you merge an Individual with Group Constituent you will lose the personal tab as this information does not occur on a Group Constituent

Important Notes:

If an organisation is being merged and contains a linked main contact, this contact needs to be un-linked prior to the merge taking place. If the contact is required thereafter, it can be re-linked. Not un-linking a Main Contact will result in a Main Contact being left within Other Connections which will loop back to the record currently being viewed.


Once the merge is performed the screen will revert back to the target constituent and confirm the merge has taken place

Successful Merge Example

An activity is added to the target constituent's record to note that a merge has taken place

Record Merged Activity Example


The source constituent is archived with the reason of Merged 

Arcchived Notification Example

You can then bulk delete archived records with the reason of Merge at a later date and in line with your data retention policies. 


If a merge was performed incorrectly, then the source constituent can be reinstated, though you will need to move data back from the target constituent manually or by way of the File Uploader. 

You can see the data that has been altered on the target constituent via the Change Log

Editing _ Accessing Change Log for Constituent Cooper, Sheldon - Google Chr.. 2024-09-13 at 2.18.08 PM


1 comment
  • What happens to the reoccuring payments when we merge?

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