Why doesn't a donation appear on my Gift Aid claim?


For a donation to appear on a Gift Aid claim the following must all apply:

  • The donor must have a first line of address
  • The donor must have a valid postal address 
  • The donor Title must less than 4 characters in length (e.g 'Master' or 'Mrs.' would fail, or there may be erroneous spaces after the Title causing the failure)
  • The donor must have a Gift Aid Declaration that
    • is not canceled 
    • has a valid tax payer title, first & last name
    • has been confirmed if needed - see this 
  • The Transaction must have
    • Can Recover Tax set to yes - see this
    • Date Paid is
      • within 4 years of the end of the financial year you received it in
      • on or after the gift aid declaration start date
      • on or before the gift aid declaration end date
    • Product is gift aid-able - see this
    • Payment method is gift aid-able - see this
    • Must not have been previously claimed
    • Not been set to not to claim Gift Aid as part of a Transaction upload



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The automated Gift Aid Claims process is available with Starter, Professional and Enterprise plans. Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgrading.


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