Adding a Donation to a Constituent's Timeline


Income of any kind, including donations, is represented in Donorfy by timeline items called Transactions. To add a Transaction follow these steps:

  • Find the constituent in the constituent search (if the constituent does not exist you should add it first)
  • Click on the constituent to open the record
  • Press the Add near the top of the page and find Transaction - it's on the right-hand side under Timeline - alternatively, you can click on the timeline tab and use the add button on that tab
  • You can then enter the details of the transaction, you should enter both 'halves':
    • Payment Header 
      • Campaign - the activity that prompted this transaction
      • Amount Paid - how much is being given
      • Payment Method - how it is being given
      • Click the down arrow link (see below) for more payment options, including the date the payment was received, soft crediting, selection of channel, the selection of an acknowledgment and the entry of text to appear in the acknowledgment, a link to an RPI (if required) and any references.
    • Allocation/s (you can have multiple allocations for a single payment - i.e. split gifts, each of which includes) 
      • Product - what the money is 'buying', e.g. a Donation, a Subscription, Raffle ticket and so on
      • the Amount - how much (same as the amount paid if only one allocation item)
      • Click the down arrow link (see below) for more allocation options, including the Fund (i.e. the financial designation), comments, and whether you wish to suppress this gift from being Gift Aid-able, etc.




  • Press Save Changes - the Transaction will be added to the constituent's timeline

To speed up transaction entry you can set defaults for various fields - see this article for more information 


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