Adding Custom Fields to Activities


You can record a plethora of different types of information: notes, event attendance, mailouts, volunteering information, etc. To capture additional details not available within the main Activity fields  there are additional custom fields that can be added for each Activity Type:

  • 10 x Text fields (up to 50 characters per field description) 
    Data entered when adding an Activity to a Timeline for the Text fields can be up to 500 characters per field
  • 10 x Date fields 
  • 10 x Numeric fields (numbering is from 1 to 999999 )
  • 10 x Yes/No fields

Using custom fields is a very powerful tool and can be completed by keying in data manually when adding an Activity to the Timeline, via the File uploader or for building your questions in your Donorfy Forms or custom website forms using the API.


Setting up the custom fields

You can add custom fields for any of your Activity Types as described below:

  • Open Settings > Configuration > Activity Types
  • Click on the Activity Type you want to add custom fields for
  • Enter a title for your field under the heading for the type of data you want to store
    (the title can be a maximum of 50 characters)
  • Click on Save Changes


For example, if you had an Activity for 'Application' and you wanted to collect information about the number of visitors in a group and whether it was their first visit, you would:

  • Under the Date Fields 'Date Paid'
  • Under the Number Fields column, add a field with the name 'Grant Amount Requested'
  • Under the Yes/No Fields column, add a field 'Active'

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When you add an Activity, the fields will be available - as shown in the example below:

Activity Custom Fields within a Timeline Activity



Activity Lists

When you create an Activity List you can filter by custom fields or include them in your List by selecting the fields.

To select the fields to be displayed in your List:

  • Click on the data field selector and then click on Custom Fields. 
  • If your List is focused on a single Activity Type, you will see the titles of the extra/custom fields 
  • If your List is for two or more Activity Types, you will only see the field type and number, for example, Text 1, Text 2, Date 1, Date 2, etc.






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