Adding Activities to the Timeline


An Activity is a type of Timeline entry in Donorfy. It is used to represent the various interactions that you have with Constituents - such as:

  • a phone call, in or outbound
  • a letter received or sent
  • a meeting
  • a request for a fundraising pack
  • etc

These are called Activity Types, and can be set up in Settings.

To add an Activity:

  1. Click the orange Add button and choose Activity.
  2. Find the Constituent on whose Timeline you want to add this Activity (you won't need to do this if you are doing this from within a Constituent record)
  3. The date will default to the current date
  4. Choose an Activity type from the dropdown
  5. Choose the Campaign (optional)
  6. Enter any notes about this Activity
  7. Click Save Changes

You can also:

  • set this Activity to be an Alert - which means it will show on the Constituent Profile, signified by the display of a speech bubble in the Constituent record
  • add a Task to the Tasks list for yourself or another Donorfy user in your organisation:
    • Details - the subject for the Task (e.g. "Call to arrange a meeting")
    • Assigned to - leave as yourself or choose a colleague
    • Due date

Reference fields in an Activity

They have been added to allow for information to be held on an activity regarding 3rd party integrations for example the eventbrite integration.  

These fields are populated by the integration process that adds the activities to the timelines and as such do not need to be uploaded using the import template.


There are some Activity Types that are use by some Donorfy Processes so it is suggested that you do not remove or rename the following Activity Types:

  • Communication Preference Confirmation
  • Send to Donorfy
  • Gift Aid Declaration
  • Email Inbound
  • Email Outbound
  • Record Merged
  • Subscribed to list
  • Unsubscribe from List
  • Eventbrite Order
  • Eventbrite Attendee
  • Data Cleaned
  • Notes
  • Fundraising Page Created
  • Payment Collection Info

Some of these will only be used if you are using certain integrations




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