When you get started with Donorfy you're going to want to set up the system to reflect your organisation's needs and when you are already up and running with Donorfy you'll need to ensure that your settings continue to reflect what your organisation is working to achieve.
This article provides a list of the settings, along with their meanings and link to their specific articles.
If you are in the initial stages of setting up Donorfy this article will help you prepare for your implementation.
When you get your new Donorfy system, some of the settings will already be set up. If you wish you can use them as they are and get started, meaning you can start to use Donorfy within minutes of choosing it. However, most people like to customise it for their use.
Opening Settings
Click on the gears icon on the left-hand navigation bar of your Donorfy screen, it will also say 'Settings'.
If you can't see a gears icon it means you do not have Admin rights in your system: please refer to your Donorfy Admin.
This will allow access to your Donorfy system Configuration settings area.
To access the Configuration Settings open the sub-menu under Settings as shown below.
Once you have accessed Settings, you can click on the dropdown box arrow to the right of the screen and either scroll down the list or search for the type of setting you want to work with.
To search the list of settings type in the name of the setting you are looking for - e.g. Stripe - the list will filter down to settings matching your search.
Constituent settings
Activity Types
These represent the kinds of activity that you will record on the constituents' timelines. Such as phone calls, letters and emails sent, applications for fundraising packs and so on. See here for more info: Activity Types
Address Areas
This is the drop-down list in the address part of the contact details. It's for allocating constituents to areas of the country/world by which you might want to analyse performance. Click here for further details: Address Area
Address Regions
This is the drop-down list in the address part of the contact details. It's for allocating constituents to regions of the country/world by which you might want to analyse performance. Click here for more details: Address Regions
Communications Channels
These are the channels by which constituents can be contacted, and appear in the Communications Preferences panel on the constituent form. See this article for more detail on: Channels
Purposes (Communications Exceptions)
These are the purposes for which you contact constituents (e.g. campaigns, events, membership, policy etc) and allow you to set exceptions to a constituent's comms preferences for if and how you communicate with them on that subject. See this article for more detail: Creating Purposes
Constituent Roles
This drop-down is available on the Work and Other contact details tabs and relates to the work they do. This differs from their job title, which is what they like to be called, not necessarily what they do. Roles enable you to analyse your constituents by their roles, regardless of what it's called in their organisation.
This article guides you through adding Constituent Roles
Constituent Types
These are the highest level categorisation of constituents. There are normally only a few of these. Other attributes, such as whether someone is a member, a donor etc, are recorded elsewhere within the constituent record, using tags. See here for more info.
The Country list is comprised of officially recognised countries that have an ISO-2 code. In Donorfy and other areas, these are displayed as their full country name. The list of countries is used within: address fields in Donorfy, Campaign Donation Pages, Forms, and Web Widgets.
Donorfy comes with some frequently used ones however more can be added easily as described in this article: Countries
The drop-down list of genders on the Name panel in the constituent form. See here for further information: Gender
Name Prefixes
These are the drop-down values for the prefix to the last name. For example the 'van' from Dick van Dyke. It means that they don't have to be entered as part of the last name, ensuring Mr van Dyke appears in the D's, not the V's of any alphabetic listing. Prefixes can be added as shown in the article: Name Prefixes
Reasons for cancel, lapse etc.
At certain points in Donorfy, a reason code is required to explain why a constituent is being marked as 'Do Not Mail', or is being archived. Reasons are also available for transaction items such as RPIs and Memberships. See here for further details: Reasons for cancel, lapse etc.
Social Media Id's
These are the links that appear on the constituent's profile, such as a Facebook or LinkedIn profile, website address, wiki page, etc. Social options can be added as described in this article: Social Media Ids
Tags and Tag Categories
This is where you set up tags and the categories in which they are displayed on the constituent form. See here for more info.
The drop-down list for a person's Title in the Name panel on the constituent form. Find out more here: Name Titles
Gift Aid Settings
Gift Aid Declaration Methods
These are the various methods by which a GAD can be received. The necessity for a written confirmation can be set here. See here for more details: Gift Aid Declaration Methods
Integration Settings
Email server settings
This is where you set up Donorfy's connection to your email system for one-off emails. To set up and connect to your email server, see this article: Sending Emails from Donorfy
Connect to GoCardless
Allows Donorfy to create and connect to a GoCardless account, enabling you to collect income via Direct Debit. This article will guide you through the process: Connecting to GoCardless
Loqate (formerly known as) PCA Predict
You can use Loqate Address Capture (formerly known as PCA Predict Capture+) to look up addresses in Donorfy via Constituency Profile, Forms, Web Widgets and Campaign Donation Pages. This is where you enter the key from your Loqate (formerly known as PCA Predict). See: Address Lookup & Rapid Address Entry using Loqate (formerly known as PCA Predict)
Stripe Connect
Allows Donorfy to create and connect to a Stripe account which will enable you to collect income via debit and credit cards. This article will guide you through the process: Connecting to Stripe
Web Widgets
Enables you to create a widget and generate the HTML code which is then inserted into your website page. Once added, it allows you to collect donations online via Stripe (debit/credit cards) and GoCardless (Direct Debits). This Knowledge Base section provides all the relevant details: Web Widgets
Transactions and Recurring Payment Instructions Settings
Acknowledgements and Documents
This is where you create the templates for your donation email acknowledgements and the one-off email/print documents that you can send to a constituent. This article will help you with setting this up: Setting Up One Off Letters and Emails
Bank Accounts
This is where you set up the accounts into which payments may be received, for example when entering a gift, or when accepting an online donation. See here for more details: Bank Accounts
These are the marketing channels by which you might receive financial transactions and are different to Communication Channels. See: Channels
A Department is an attribute of a transaction for reporting purposes. It has no other meaning in Donorfy.
This Knowledge Base section provides all the relevant details: Departments
This is where you set up funds. Funds are used to designate the "pot" in which the value for a transaction is recorded. This Knowledge Base section provides all the relevant details: Funds
Payment Method
This is where you set up the list of payment methods you wish to use. For analysis/reporting purposes, but also determines whether gifts made by this method are eligible for consideration for Gift Aid, and whether it is a recurring gift. This article will guide you through the process of adding Payment Methods: Payment Methods
A product in Donorfy is what the donor is "buying" when they make a donation, pay for a membership and so on. Products can be precluded from Gift Aid eligibility. See here for further details: Products
Reasons for cancel, lapse etc
At certain points in Donorfy, a reason code is required to explain why a constituent's RPI or Membership has been made inactive. This list is the same as the Constituent Settings Reasons note earlier in this article. See here for further details: Reasons for cancel, lapse etc.
Transaction Entry Defaults
These are used to set the defaults for transactions entered via the Batched Transactions feature.
This article will guide you through the process of configuring your Transaction Entry Defaults: Transaction Entry Defaults
Security and System Settings
API settings
This is where API authorisation IDs are created to allow you to connect to 3rd party applications. For more information about the API and how to create an API authorisation ID, see: API Overview
Dashboard Tiles
Dashboards are a collection of data tiles that provide visual snapshots of the data within your Donorfy, such as Campaign performance, Transactions this month, last month, Gift Aid, your Donor pyramid, etc. They are accessible on your Home screen and can be set up as described here: Dashboard Tiles Overview
Duplicate Settings
When Donorfy detects that a constituent has very similar details to another constituent, Donorfy will flag them as possible duplicates. This setting allows you to turn on or off the Duplicates process as detailed here: Duplicates - Overview
Field Categories
Getting Started List
The Getting Started list under the Home area can be configured with additional items specific to your organisation - this article provides a guide on how to use this feature: Getting Started List
Preference Update Settings
Allow your constituents to update their contact consent and personal details via a secure form. Simple, quick and convenient. See here how to set it up: Allowing People to Update their Permissions and Preferences
Extend Donorfy's reach and usage with webhooks. These are used to connect to 3rd party applications, such as Zapier to send and receive data - see this article for more details: Webhooks
Trusts and Major Donors
Funding Locations
This is now located in Opportunities > Settings > Funding Locations
Funding Preferences
This is now located in Opportunities > Settings > Funding Preferences
Opportunity Types
This is now located in Opportunities > Settings > Opportunity Types
For more details on Opportunities please refer to this section of our Knowledge Base: Opportunities