You can import donations (Donorfy calls them Transactions) using Donorfy’s Data Preparation Template. This template is available to download within Data Management > File Upload
Prior to downloading the template ensure you refresh it by clicking on Update Template. We advise deleting out the tabs in the spreadsheet that you are not going to use, thus leaving just the Donations tab in this instance.
When uploading donations there is a minimum set of requirements for importing Transactions:
Within Donorfy the following items are required to be present and active to enable the file to match to Donorfy:
- Campaign
- Product
- Fund
- Payment Method
It should be noted that negative amounts are not currently able to be uploaded via the Donations File Uploader. If you have negative amounts to be uploaded, please contact Donorfy Support.
Adding data to the Data Preparation Template
Constituent data
Match to your Donorfy constituents:
Provide the means for Donorfy to attempt to match to an existing constituent.
- The minimum is the email address, but can also include:
- the Donorfy constituent number
- the external key
- phone number
Donorfy will try and find a match by each item in the order given above - e.g. if a match is found by email address then items lower down the list (e.g. phone number) will not be checked.
Where a match is found, no contact details will be updated or added, only the Transaction will be added to the Timeline.
Existing Constituent details can be updated via the Constituent Update process: Updating Constituents using the File Uploader
Adding new constituents:
If your file potentially contains new constituents, your file needs to provide enough information for Donorfy to create a new constituent record, as well as the donation.
1. Constituent Type (e.g. Individual)
2. Email address (which you will have provided any way for matching purposes)
3. And then you will probably have other information to map, including names, address etc.
The preferred Channel can not be set via the Donations File Upload - constituents will be uploaded with their Preferred Channel automatically set to 'Do Not Mail'.
This will mean that they will not automatically sync to MailChimp as the sync process uses a combination of Channel and Preferred Channel to select constituents for syncing.
To set the Preferred Channel for constituents being uploaded, please see Updating Channels & Purposes with the File Uploader
Financial Data
The minimal details you will need for a donation to be added is as follows:
- Date Paid
- Amount
- Campaign
- Payment Method
- Product
- Exclude from Gift Aid Claim
- Fund
You can add further information to the spreadsheet as required.
- Acknowledgement Doc - this is the name of the acknowledgement document that was sent or will be sent. This document name must be set up in your Donorfy.
- Acknowledged On - if the acknowledgement has already been sent then enter the date it was sent in this column you can use another date - e.g. date paid - if you do not have an acknowledged on date. If you do not provide a date then Donorfy will treat the donation as awaiting an acknowledgement and produce an acknowledgement via the normal process.
- AcknowledgementText - this can contain any additional text you want to include for the acknowledgement.
Linking Donations to Recurring Payment Instructions (RPIs)
If you want to link your imported donations to existing RPIs then you can enter the number of the RPI into the 'RPI Number' column. (Please note: as these payments are added outside of the EFT Function, it will not update the summary statistics of the RPI; the expected payment will not be 'paid off' and will result in the RPI becoming Overdue/showing a missed payment)
Save As your file with a name that will distinguish it within the upload list e.g. Donation Upload_Summer Appeal 2018_01082018.xlsx
Upload your spreadsheet by dragging and dropping it into the File Upload area (shaded upload area). The status of the Upload will be shown in the Files uploaded in the last 30 days area
Once the file has completed the uploading and matching, download the file so you can verify the upload.
Sample data showing match status and action in the downloaded spreadsheet.
Assuming all went well, you can click on the Apply Changes button. If all want well and there are errors in the file, see this article for file exceptions.
Once completed the status will show as 'This file has been applied and the transactions added to the constituent timeline.'