Missing icons within Donorfy
Date of notification:
The icons used to add additional details to transactions, etc, add new settings and mappings, and ised as navigation are not visible within Donorfy.
It has been found that the issue is related to icons hosted by a third party
Remedial work:
Development works have been scheduled in as a matter of priority.
Time to resolution:
We hope to have this resolved as soon as possible. This article will be kept updated and dates detailed.
Current items being actioned:
02/09/2024 12.20 PM: Issue discovered by client and support request sent to Donorfy
02/09/2024 12.26 PM: Issue escalated to Donorfy Engineering team
02/09/2024: The engineering team investigating as a matter of priority
02/09/2024 1.38 PM: Issue resolved