Send to Donorfy


Send to Donorfy is an easy way to keep copies of emails sent or received on your constituents’ timelines - this helps you to keep a record of your communications with constituents.

When you send an email to one or more constituents if you use bcc to copy the email to your Send to Donorfy email address the email will be added as an activity to the timeline(s) of the constituent(s) with the email addresses you sent the email to.


Send to Donorfy is a Professional and Enterprise-only feature. Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgrading.


Finding your Send to Donorfy email address

Click on Home in the left menu, then click on the Send to Donorfy tab - your Send to Donorfy email address is displayed on the tab



How Send to Donorfy works

When you bcc your Send to Donorfy email address into an email correspondence Donorfy will search the email To and CC fields as well as the body of the email to locate email addresses and then will match these to existing constituent records.

Once an email address has matched Donorfy will add a Send to Donorfy activity to the constituent timeline. If your email has any attachments these will be linked to the activity added to the constituent’s timeline.

If Donorfy can’t match the email addresses the email will be shown on the 'Send to Donorfy' tab under the Home menu. You can then find the constituent you want to assign the email to (see Resolving items in your Send to Donorfy Home tab).

Please note: Constituent email addresses entered in BCC will not be visible to Donorfy in order to match against profiles in Donorfy.

How should you send items using Send to Donorfy

All you need to do is to copy your Send to Donorfy email address into your email that you are sending and, depending on how many recipients and how you have addressed them, they will be sent to your Donorfy for matching to a constituent record. To see how you should do this see the attachment: Send To Donorfy Examples.docx



Forwarding an email to Send to Donorfy

When forwarding an email to send to Donorfy, just add your Send to Donorfy email address in the To: field.

To ensure that the email arrived on the correct constituent's Timeline, it is best practice to add the constituent email address to the first part of the body of the email, for example:


To: your Send to Donorfy email address



Subject: FWD: Invite to Fundraising Dinner update
Body Message:

---------- Forwarded Message ---------------

From: Your Name

Date: 01/01/2019 15:00:37

Subject: Invite to Fundraising Dinner update

Body Message:

Greetings Friends, .........................



Be wary as to the email addresses within the body of the email being forwarded, Send to Donorfy does check through the body of the email message to try and match the email to constituent records. If you have other email addresses that are not the intended email address to be matched, then it is advisable to delete these out before sending. This will also reduce the number of emails in the to be reviewed tab.

Forwarding an email may also result in an item in the Items to be Resolved tab – check it has arrived on your intended constituent’s timeline before deletion (see Resolving items in your Send to Donorfy Home tab)

Please note

If your sending email address is on a Constituent Profile - then the forwarded email will arrive on that Profile. And may also add items to the Items to be Resolved tab. 

Items that arrive on a Constituent Profile that has your sending email can not be reassigned. Instead, you can use the Connected To option to add the intended Constituent's details.




Resolving items in your Send to Donorfy Home tab

If we can’t match the email addresses the email will show on the 'Send to Donorfy' tab under the Home menu. The Send to Donorfy tab is unique to your own login, so you will only see items that you have sent via your Send to Donorfy email address and no one else’s.



To resolve the emails within the Send to Donorfy tab, click on Find Constituent for this Email


A pop up will appear that you can search for the constituent name or other search parameters, such as an alternative email address


If no match can be found, you can cancel your search and create a new constituent profile and then match again (as above), or you can, of course, opt to delete the item to be resolved altogether.
- Also, see (Unexpected Items in Send to Donorfy Review List)


Please note that this is a temporary area and items older than 3 months will be deleted to maintain the performance of Send to Donorfy.


Changing your Send to Donorfy email address

You can change your Send to Donorfy email address (e.g. if you are getting spam emails sent to it) by clicking on your initials will be displayed at the top on the righthand side and choosing Manage your profile




Then in the Your Send to Donorfy email address section of the form click on Generate New Email 



Things to note about Send to Donorfy

  • People bcc'd on the email will not have anything added to their timelines
  • The maximum size of your email including any attachments is 15Mb - if your message exceeds this size it will not be processed
  • Where an attachment exceeds 10MB it will not be added to the Send to Donorfy Activity. Instead, there will be a message in the 'Notes' under the email text as a record. For example:

    Unable to upload attachment 12.7MB Blue seas and sky.doxc as the total size of attachments is greater than 10MB

  • The Home > Send to Donorfy tab is unique to your own login, so you will only see items that you have sent via your Send to Donorfy email address and no one else’s


Why am I seeing the same email multiple times on a constituent’s timeline?

This will be because the Send to Donorfy system also checks the body of the email address for email addresses that match to a constituent. If the email address is in the body multiple times this may result in multiple entries on to a timeline.

To remedy, delete out additional email addresses from the body of an email string before sending to your Send to Donorfy email.


Why is my email not being seen on a constituent’s timeline?

This may be because either the matching process did not yield any results and has instead placed the email within the Items to be Reviewed section on your Home tab (see ‘Resolving items in your Send to Donorfy Home tab’ above) or the email was sent in one of the below ways - See attachment Failed Send To Donorfy Examples.docx

Other things it could be: 

Or, it may be because of an unidentifiable issue with your Send to Donorfy email address (perhaps it's blocked by an ISP ). To fix this, you can regenerate your Send to Donorfy email address – see Changing your Send to Donorfy Email Address above.


Why is an email I sent on another constituent’s timeline who wasn’t in the To/CC or BCC fields?

This will be because the Send to Donorfy system also checks the body of the email address for email addresses that match to a constituent.

To remedy, delete out additional email addresses from the body of an email string before sending to your Send to Donorfy email.



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