Mailchimp Integration Sync Failure - October 2024



We are aware that the sync from Donorfy to Mailchimp is timing out. 


Date of notification:




The data sync to Mailchimp is currently failing in one of the following ways: 

  • Starts the process and completes straight away - i.e no data to check and confirm
  • Constitunets are reported as failed on the confirmation email due to Merge Tags being incorrect


Donorfy's integration with Mailchimp has been built within the current constraints of Mailchimps documented process, and log files relating to the Donorfy process have returned no errors.

It has been found that the issue is related to Mailchimp's API timing out after 100 seconds, which causes a sync failure.


Remedial work:

Donorfy had previously introduced a re-try process where Mailchimp's API did not return a confirmation within a set timeframe.
Although the number of data packets sent in one go has been reduced, the error persists.

We have escalated the issue to Mailchimp.


Time to resolution: 

We would like to have this resolved as soon as possible. This article will be kept updated and dates detailed.


Current items being actioned:

30/09/2024: Issue escalated from Donorfy Support 3rd Line to Donorfy Engineering Team

01/10/2024: After the issue was further investigated the issue was found to be with Mailchimp's API timing out. Donorfy escalated the issue directly with Mailchimp  

02/10/2024: Awaiting further details from Mailchimp

09/10/2024: Mailchimp have added additional logging to their processes. Donorfy will run a number of data syncs to Mailchimp's API. Mailchimp will then analyse the log files and report back their findings.

11/10/2024: Mailchimp have made some amendments and test syncs have proved to be successful. Further testing being completed. 

14/10/2023: All test syncs completed since the 11th have been successful. 

If your organisation has been impacted by this issue, then please try a full sync; we are confident that it will now run to a successful completion.

18/10/2024: For a number of clients their syncs have returned to normal. Though the issue still persists for others. We continue to actively work with Mailchimp on this isssue.

22/10/2024: Update from Mailchimp's technical team...
"We’re actively reviewing the API timeout issue you’ve reported and have escalated this to our development team for further investigation.
We’re looking into potential causes on our end and will update you as soon as we have more information."



Donorfy has reduced the number of data items sent within a data packet to Mailchimp

Donorfy has implemented a retry process has been included where items fail the sync process





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