Membership Analytics


The Memberships feature within Donorfy provides some key analytical insights into your Memberships, allowing you to quickly see the current status of one or Membership Products, as well as how many new additions or leavers there have been within each month.

The data can be easily downloaded ready for those all important meetings!


Within the Products to include box, you can opt to leave it as default (all Membership Products being returned) or you can remove the 'All Membership Products' tag and select your preferred Product(s) from the drop-down list.

The Analytics view displays 12 months of data in a tabular format. The data returned is calculated as follows:



  • Opening: The number of active Memberships at the start of the current month
  • Joiners: The Number of New Memberships added this month
  • Leavers: The Number of Cancelled Memberships this month
  • Closing: Opening + Joiners - Leavers
  • Leavers Net gain/loss: Joiners - Leavers



  • Opening: (Amount x Frequency of Memberships at the start of the current month up) - Cancelled
  • Joiners: Amount x Frequency of New Memberships added this month (active)
  • Leavers: Amount x Frequency of Cancelled Memberships this month
  • Closing: Opening + Joiners - Leavers
  • Net gain/loss £: (Amount x Frequency of Joiners) - Leavers
  • Net gain/loss %: (Net gain/loss / closing) x 100



Memberships analytics for a Dashboard tile

The analytical data for Memberships above can not be replicated within a List due to the calculations used. However, you could opt to create a custom dashboard within an external tool, such as Excel or PowerBi, using the OData connection and some formulas



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