Updating Constituents using the File Uploader


This article explains how to update existing constituents in bulk using the File Uploader.

Updating Constituents is different from cleaning Constituent data, in that the updating of constituents is for block updating of fields, e.g. Post Code, Gender, Constituent Type, and Campaign.



  • You cannot undo updates made by the file uploader.
    It is a good idea to download a list of the constituents you plan to update, then if you need to undo an update you will have the original values to apply via another update setting the values back.
  • A maximum of 1000 rows (inc headings) can be processed per file.
  • Remove any columns from the worksheet that you do not want to update.
    This is because if a column exists in the worksheet which is empty the corresponding field in Donorfy will be cleared.
  • The update process can only update a record once within the upload file, i.e duplicate entries will cause an error.


Performing the Update

To update Constituents, you will need to:

Preparing the worksheet

  • Download the Donorfy Updates Data Preparation Template from here: Constituent Update.xlsx
  • Read the Important information text and then delete it
  • In the new worksheet remove any columns you do not need - i.e. you don't want to change the values in those fields - IMPORTANT - If a column exists in this worksheet which is empty the corresponding field in Donorfy will be cleared
  • Ensure that there are no duplicated constituents within the file (i.e the same constituent number)


Adding data to the worksheet

  • The File Updater will locate the constituent to update by using either the...
    • Constituent Number - this is the number of the existing constituent in Donorfy that you want to update - you can use a constituent list to create and download a list of the numbers of the constituents you want to update and copy those numbers into the worksheet
    • Email Address  - you may find that multiple records are returned as matches when using this field
    • External Key

  • The worksheet contains some columns which are only relevant to:
    • Individual constituents - such as the personal contact details, other personal details like title, first name, last name, date of birth and so on
    • Group constituents - e.g. companies - such as Organisation name

Any data that is not relevant is ignored - e.g. if you are updating an organisation and your worksheet includes a personal address (Personal_AddressLine1, Personal_AddressLine2, etc.) then that data would be ignored.


Complete and Upload

  • Fill in the columns with the new values you want for each field you want to change
  • Empty Cells and Clearing Fields

    • It is important to remove any columns from the worksheet that you do not wish to change.
    • Ensure that there are no empty cells within your selection unless you want to delete the data from them.

      This is because if a column exists in your uploaded file but cells in the worksheet column do not contain any values then the file uploader will clear the data in the updated transaction. However, the uploader will not allow you to clear mandatory fields - including amounts, quantity, date received, campaign, payment method, product, and fund.

  • Double-check the data, correct as required, and all columns present are those that are to be updated
  • Once your worksheet is completed, save it as an Excel file (.xlsx) and upload it to Donorfy for checking and applying

Correcting any errors

After you upload a file Donorfy will check it - if there are problems which prevent the data in the file from being imported, a message will be displayed. To correct errors please see Fixing Problems in an Uploaded File

Archiving constituents

You can archive constituents in bulk via the File Uploader. To do so, include the IsArchived column with a Yes for each constituent. ArchivedDate and ArchivedReason are optional - these columns can be omitted. Do not upload a file which will give constituents an ArchivedDate or ArchivedReason without also setting IsArchived to Yes as this can cause errors.

Archive reasons can be set under Settings | Configuration | (Constituent) Reasons for cancel, lapse etc

Constituent archive demo.png

To unarchive constituents, upload a file with all three Archived columns with IsArchived set to No and the other columns blank.

Constituent unarchive demo.png


1 comment
  • I need to update email STATUS which doesn't appear to be possible. I need to bulk update to 'bounced' over 2,000 records.

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