The Donor Pyramid
On the Donorfy Dashboard, you can see the Donor Pyramid tile. This shows the number of constituents in various bands depending on their contribution over the period set in your Donor Pyramid - both of which can be configured.
Note that the constituent's Total Contribution is the value that is used for calculation of their place in the pyramid. Please see this article for more info on how the total contribution is calculated.
Configuring the pyramid bands and time period
Note that the timeframe you select in the "Include gifts since..." field is based on your financial reporting year, which admins can set in Settings > Account > Donorfy Settings.
The bands are recalculated overnight - so donations entered today will not be included in the pyramid until tomorrow.
Using the pyramid band in Lists
The pyramid band can be used in Lists. For example, you may want to filter a Constituent List so that is returns all constituents in pyramid and A. Or you may want to display the constituent's pyramid band in your List results.
The pyramid band can be found in the Giving Stats - lifetime category in the field selector.
The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Giving Stats - enrol here