Form Submissions, Statistics and History


Form Submission

When a form is submitted we will check that it looks like a legitimate form submission - see Form Security for more info - legitimate submissions will then be processed. 

We will use the details on the form to try and link the form to an existing constituent - this uses the same approach that we use for duplicate checking see 'How the checks are run' in this article for more information about how we match - we will 

  • link the form to the best matching existing constituent where we find one or more constituents with a matching score of 13 or higher
  • add a constituent and link the form to it where we do find any matches scoring 13 or higher

If you have Donorfy Essentials, once you exceed the limit for the plan when Forms are submitted, the constituents will still be added, so you do not miss out on donations. If you exceed the plan's limit on constituents in these circumstances, you can either use the bulk deletion tools to remove constituents from your Donorfy to get back below the limit, or you can upgrade to a Donorfy Starter or Professional plan.

Form Statistics & Analytics

For any given form in the list of forms (see Forms | Manage Forms), you can view submission statistics - choose the information you want to see by choosing the columns via the column selector button. 

Manage Forms Column Selector Example

These are the statistics that can be shown: 

  • Submitted Count - the number of times the form has been submitted 
  • Submitted percentage - the percentage of forms displayed that went on to be submitted
  • First and Last Submitted - the dates the form was first and last submitted
  • Spam Count - this is the number of forms which have been blocked for being malicious or spam submissions
  • Error Count - the number of forms that encountered errors when they were processed

When you open the form itself you can click on the Analytics tab - this will show more details about the forms that have been displayed and submitted - the data shown is dependent upon the elements you have on your form.

Forms Analytics Tab Example

Form History

Form History list (i.e. Forms > History) lists all forms that have been submitted - a constituent has completed and submitted the Form.

Transactions made from a Donorfy Form are recorded within Forms > History and not Financial > Online Donations > History. However, a note or the completion and any associated error message can be found under Financial > Online Donations > Errors & Info

You can filter the list by form title, campaign, and status. Once a form has been processed you can link to the constituent associated with the form.

If you have a lot of form history you can download it as a CSV file to analyse it - e.g. in Excel


The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Donation Forms - enrol here



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