Updating Activities Using the Uploader


You can use the file uploader to update existing activities - for example, if you want to record if someone attended an event you held.


  • You cannot undo updates made by the file uploader.
    It is a good idea to download a list of the Activities you plan to update, then if you need to undo an update you will have the original values to apply via another update setting the values back.
  • Remove any columns from the worksheet that you do not want to update.
    This is because if a column exists in the worksheet which is empty the corresponding field in Donorfy will be cleared.
  • The update process can only update a record once within the upload file, i.e duplicate entries will cause an error.
  • A maximum of 1000 rows (inc headings) can be processed per file.


Performing the Update

To update Activities, you will need to:

  • Preparing the worksheet
    • Find the Activities Update worksheet, right-click on the tab and create a copy in a new workbook 
    • In the new worksheet remove any columns you do not need - i.e. you don't want to change those fields - IMPORTANT - If a column exists in this worksheet which is empty the corresponding field in Donorfy will be cleared

  • Adding data to the worksheet
    • Normally it is easiest to use a list to download the activities you want to update, the downloaded list must include the activity and constituent numbers of the activities you want to update, for help creating a list see this - make sure you include the number of the
      • Activity - you will need to select the Entity Number for this
      • Constituent the activity belongs to - select Constituent Number for this
    • Your list will look similar to this example



In the activities Update worksheet in the new Excel workbook you then need to make the following entries -  important you can remove any columns you do not need to update so they are not accidentally changed or cleared

  • Copy both the Activity Number and Constituent Number from your list download - specifying both is to double-check we are updating the correct activity
  • Fill in columns you want to update
  • Remove that you don't want to update 
  • Any extra fields you have added for your activity - see this - can be updated in the worksheet they will be called
    • Text 1 to 10 - e.g. Text1 - for the text fields
    • Number 1 to 10 - e.g. Number1 - for the number fields
    • Date 1 to 10 - e.g. Date1 - for the date fields
    • YesNo 1 to 10 e.g. YesNo1 - for the yes no fields 
  • When you upload the file the data is checked - e.g. that we can find an activity to update, any lookups e.g. campaign are valid and so on
  • Assuming all is valid you can apply your changes 


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