Have a question about Lists that you can't find the answer for? Well, it me be in here...
Why have my List columns all changed in the newer version of Lists
With the new version of Lists we've done some work under the hood to improve the way our lists fetch the data you need. However, this does mean we are unable to carry over the column selections from your existing lists.
You will need to re-add the columns you need to each list. We are sorry for this added step, but hope that all the new improvements in lists make up for this.
If you had re-added the columns since the new version of Lists went live and your columns were not as expected, this would be due to someone in your organisation altering them and then saving the changes.
We have Custom Lists. Will these be affected? A List that is being used as part of an integration (API) - will the link be broken?
The link won't be broken.
By default the API will return all data columns for a List that List has no columns selected.
Where columns are set with the List, the API will return those specific columns and the default columns for the list type when returning the results asynchronously. See Retrieving-List-Results-Asynchronously
For a list of the default columns - see the "Are there default columns that each List Type comes with? " FAQ below.
We have Custom Lists. Will these be affected?
The functionality of your Custom List(s) will not be affected at all. However, as with standard Lists, you will need to re-add the columns you need to each list via the column selector.
If you experiance any issues with Custom Lists please do contact our Support Team.
Lists using Triggers
The columns selected within the List do not affect the function of the Trigger, as this is based on the filtering.
We have some custom Lists. What will happen with these?
Apart from taking the new format, you will need to ensure that the columns you selected are re-added to your custom list output.
Are there default columns that each List Type comes with?
Yes, there are. These help you see the results quickly. However, to see the actual information you require you will need to add the columns and move them to the desired positions.
The default columns can be removed if they do not suit the data that you wish to return.
The default columns are as below:
Constituent Lists
Constituent Type icon
Description (hyperlink)
First name
Last name
Activity Lists
Activity type icon
Description (hyperlink)
Activity Date
Activity Type
Activity Notes
Constituent description
Campaign Lists
Campaign icon
Description (hyperlink)
Connection Lists
Description (hyperlink)
Connection Details
Connection Type
Connection Strength
Constituent Tag Lists
Description (hyperlink)
Start date
End date
Constituent description
Fundraising Page Lists
Fundraising page type icon
Page URL
Page status
Page created date
Target amount
Total donations
Percent Target
Offline amount
Constituent description
Gift Aid Declaration Lists
Icon (always "i"?)
Description (hyperlink)
Declaration date
Declaration method
Tax payer First name
Tax payer Last name
Member Lists
Description (hyperlink)
Membership amount
Membership Status
Membership Lists
Description (hyperlink)
Membership amount
Membership Status
Opportunity Lists
Opportunity icon
Description (hyperlink)
Opportunity Type
Opportunity Fundraiser
Current Stage
Expected Close date
Ask Amount
Application Deadline Date
Pledge Lists
Pledge icon
Description (hyperlink)
Pledge amount
Pledge title
Pledge status
Date expected
RPI Lists
Description (hyperlink)
Instruction status
Formatted pay freq
Amount str
RPI Beneficiary LIsts
same as RPI list
Soft Credit Lists
Constituent icon
Description (hyperlink)
Soft Credit Amount
Transaction Date
Allocation Amount
Payment Amount
To_Constituent Description
Transaction Lists (all transactions)
Description (hyperlink)
Constituent description
Transaction Date
Allocation Amount
Payment Amount
Transaction Payment Lists
Description (hyperlink)
Constituent description
Transaction Date
Payment Amount
Transaction Allocation Lists
Description (hyperlink)
Constituent description
Transaction Date
Allocation Amount
When I download the data it is not in the same order that it was on screen?
To aid performance by default, the downloaded data will be sorted alphabetically by the Description column.
The Description column was not part of my column selection, why is it in the outputs?
This is to prevent null data responses that would result in your List erroring
My Lists are not showing all Lists
If you find that the number of Lists being displayed to you is not what was expected - i.e it's only showing Constituent Lists or Activity Lists, then you will need to de-select the List Types that were previously chosen to display or there are List Tags selected.
To do this, Open Lists
On the left of the Lists are two options - List Tags and List Types - If you deselect the options that are ticked or have been entered you will find that the List of Lists will alter to show all Lists that you have access to.
If this does not resolve the matter, then your cache may be full - see Screen not Displayed Properly
How do I show a summary total in my Transaction List?
You can create a visualisation to do this, see here for more details: Visualising your data - charts, etc within your Lists - Beta Test Article
Can I report on one List in another List?
Not directly no.
You would need to apply a Tag to all constituents in one of your Lists and then use that Tag as a filter option in your other list. For deeper analysis or finding the duplicates etc, these types of functions would need to be done within Excel.
How to delete a List
If you no longer need your List, then you can delete it by opening your List, clicking on the manage button and then selecting Delete List.
Lists can only be deleted one-by-one, there is no bulk delete feature for Lists currently.
How many rows can my List display?
You should be aware that while there is no fixed maximum number of rows that a List can display, there are soft limits of around 100,000 rows. Lists with more rows than that, or Lists with more complex filters that are based on transactional data, may be slow to run, may time out, and may not be downloadable.
If you required result sets greater than 100,000 rows you should split your Lists - for example by date range - into smaller, more management result sets.
If your Donorfy is hosted in your OwnAzure database or you are on the Enterprise plan you can use 3rd party tools (eg Excel, SQL Server Management Studio) to retrieve much higher volumes of data much more efficiently by connecting the SQL Views. This is especially useful when certain business processes are dependent on these queries because (a) they are much faster, (b) much more scalable and (c) less prone to being changed.
The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Lists - enrol here