You can connect Eventbrite events to Donorfy Campaigns so that mappings can be set up specifically for this event, as opposed to using the default mappings in Donorfy's Eventbrite integration settings.
To connect an Eventbrite event to a Donorfy Campaign:
- Ensure you have linked your Eventbrite account to your Donorfy account - see here for instructions.
- Create your event in Eventbrite
- Create the corresponding campaign for the event in Donorfy, if required.
You now have a few options, depending on which data you would like to see in Donorfy. Click on the below to expand the details:
I would like to see the ticket buyer and attendees on Eventbrite, but only the ticket buyer in Donorfy.
Use the ‘Each Attendee’ option in the ‘Order form’ setup area on Eventbrite.
- On Donorfy, open the relevant Campaign
- Next, click on the Eventbrite tab
- From the Event section, open the dropdown box titled 'Eventbrite event to which this Campaign is matched*' and select your chosen event
- Within the Activity section, set 'Create an Activity for each attendee' to Yes
- In the box ‘Exclude attendees holding these ticket types’ enter in the tickets type and add-ons that you wish to exclude (see screenshot below).
This will ensure that no additional constituents are added for these event items.
For example:
I would like to see the ticket buyer and attendees in Eventbrite and Donorfy.
It should be noted that with this option:
You might not receive the names and other personal details for every attendee.
The total Constituent numbers will increase with every attendee added.
Use the ‘Each Attendee’ option in the ‘Order form’ setup area on Eventbrite.
- On Donorfy, open the relevant Campaign
- Next, click on the Eventbrite tab
- From the Event section, open the dropdown box titled 'Eventbrite event to which this Campaign is matched*' and select your chosen event
- Within the Activity section, set 'Create an Activity for each attendee' to Yes
- In the box ‘Exclude attendees holding these ticket types’ do not exclude your Eventbrite ticket types. However, you may wish to exclude additional add-ons such as t-shirt sales, etc.
I would like to see only the ticket buyer on Eventbrite and Donorfy.
Use the ‘Ticket Buyer’ option in the ‘Order form’ setup area on Eventbrite.
Once you have chosen your option, you can then complete the mappings for communications and transactions.
Mappings for communication consents
Add your mappings for communication consents as described within this article: Eventbrite – getting opt-ins from event attendees
Campaign settings for the Transactions
Add your Campaign settings for the Transactions mapped to this Campaign as described within this article: Eventbrite – Transactions in Donorfy
Once the settings are completed, click on Save Changes
Please note
If you make any changes to any of these settings whilst the event is live, The changes will only apply to new ticket purchases and will not provide any updates related to previously purchased tickets.
The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Eventbrite - enrol here