Q: Why isn't a new Fundraiser showing up in the Fundraisers and Donate Buttons table?
A: We only get information about a Fundraiser or Button once it has got its first donation.
Q: I receive an error message when I uploaded my data
"The checking process has found problems with this file - View Log for details."
We have found that sometimes a URL Link missing from the payment file downloaded from Facebook - these usually relate to July 2018 or earlier donations.
This is not a failure of Donorfy uploading the data, instead, it is a limitation of the data supplied by Facebook.
We would suggest downloading fresh reports from Facebook:
1. One for July 2018 or earlier - then copy data out of the Facebook file and add it to the Donations File Uploader and then upload it to Donorfy. Unfortunately, these would not appear in the Facebook Integration or Fundraising Pages panel.
See Importing Donations (Transactions)
2. And the other file for August 2018 donations onwards - these can be uploaded to the Facebook Integration.
The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for the Facebook Integration - enrol here