To complete the acknowledgement process and print your letters you are able to use the downloaded acknowledgements file to populate document templates, for example, a thank you letter, campaign letter, RPI template, etc.
To do this you will need to create have a template ready saved and use the mail merge function within Word. The process is as follows:
Locate document
Once you have downloaded your acknowledgments from Donorfy, locate the acknowledgment letter template that you would like to use for the mailing and Open
e.g. Thank You Summer Appeal Template.doc
You can do this via your Windows File Folder or by opening a new Word document.
Start the mail merge
In Word, choose File > Open > {folder name where template is stored} > {relevant Acknowledgement template}.
The template will open, displaying pre-defined text and layout.
The template will have the relevant merge fields pre-inserted.
From the Word document navigation ribbon choose the Mailings tab.
Within the Start Mail Merge options, click on Select Recipients > Use an Existing List.
Navigate to the folder where your acknowledgements workbook has been stored (usually the C:\Downloads folder), the Excel workbook name will start with: acknowledgements_prepared_{date and download number} and Open.
If Word prompts you, choose Sheet1$ > OK to select the spreadsheet.
Preview and finish the mail merge
After you have connected the correct spreadsheet to the template, preview the results to confirm that the content is okay. and then you're ready to complete the merge process.
Previewing Acknowledgements
Within the Mailings tab, choose Preview Results.
To preview the acknowledgments individually click the Next record button within the Preview Results options. To move through records in your data source, as required, use the Previous record button
or the Next record button
If you are happy as to the data displayed see the Finishing and printing mail merge step.
If you need to make any necessary corrections to data, e.g. names, donation amounts etc.) for the batch or individual letters see the corrections step.
Making corrections to the acknowledgements
If errors are noticed within the mail merge document, for example, a donation amount, name and address details, these can be amended during the finishing and printing stage by Editing Individual Documents, or, if preferred, by amending within Donorfy and re-running the acknowledgement process.
Amending with Editing Individual Documents: follow the Finishing and printing mail merge step below and then edit the relevant acknowledgement prior to printing, followed by making the required changes within Donorfy.
Amend within Donorfy prior to printing acknowledgements: This option requires the acknowledgement process to cease at this stage. Close the acknowledgement template and locate record/s to alter within Donorfy, make the corrections and re-start the acknowledgement process for the batch (see Acknowledgements Knowledge base article for re-sending acknowledgements).
Finishing and printing mail merge
In the Mailings tab, choose Finish & Merge, and either:
• Edit Individual Documents – you can add additional personalised content and then print, OR
• Print Documents – print straight to printer.
Once your mail merge has been completed you now close the template.
Linked Knowledge base articles:
• Acknowledgements
• Setting up one off letters and emails
• Acknowledgements for Recurring Payment Instructions