GDPR in Donorfy – Overview


Donorfy allows you to comply with elements of GDPR direct from a constituent’s record, web widgets and partner integrations, such as MailChimp.

Within Donorfy, this takes place within the Preference Centre of a constituent’s record. You are able to set the channels (how you can contact the constituent) and the Purposes (what the constituent is allowing you to content them about). Purposes are configurable within Donorfy enabling you to match them to your organisation’s contact/communications strategy.


When managing a constituent record in Donorfy, you’re able to within the preference center tab specify the channels on which someone is willing to hear from you.

So, in this example, this person is allowing email and mail, not SMS, but we don’t know what their preferences are at this stage for the phone.

Preference Centre Channels Example


Donorfy also allows you to set the purposes for which they would like you to contact them occasionally, such as fundraising and news, but in this case, not membership. Again, we’re not sure about their feelings about being contacted for event or volunteering opportunities information.


Preference Centre Purposes Example

When setting the preferences, you can choose the consent statement that they were able to see at the moment they provided you with their consent, and also the campaign that’s motivated them to make those changes.


Confirm Preference Changes Example

When changing permissions or even confirming them without change, a history is maintained of all the changes that have occurred.

Preference Centre History Example

Self Service

That’s not the only way that permissions can be set though. If you are on the Professional Plan you are able to allow constituents to change their own preferences.

Donorfy provides a widget for your website, once a constituent confirms their email address an Update Your Preferences page is displayed offering them the various permissions and preferences that they can set for themselves and any updates will be reflected on their constituent record along with a history.

Preference Update Widget Link Example


Working with permissions

Once the permissions are set, you’re going to need to make use of them when you’re making any selections for mailing purposes or any communications of that kind. Let’s see how Donorfy does this.

Here within the lists feature of Donorfy, you can create a list as usual with a filter which incorporates their mailing purpose/s and channel/s.


Within the example below, we’re selecting everyone who's given £100 (or more) in the past 12 months. We’re going to be sending them a fundraising communication, so we’re telling Donorfy here to respect the Purpose permissions - fundraising - and also the channel permissions. We’re going to be sending this out by email to those who prefer email, and by mail to those who prefer mail.

Working with Permissions Example

Once the results are updated, we can export the results and produce the communications accordingly.


So that’s how Donorfy supports you with your GDPR compliance. To get started setting up GDPR in Donorfy follow the steps in this article.




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