A suggested way to add Gifts in Kind to Donorfy and report on them, without affecting transactional figures and potentially Gift Aid, you can create a dedicated Gift in Kind Activity Type and add Gift in Kind Activities to a constituent's timeline. To do this:
Create an Activity Type
- Create an activity type for Gift in Kind
- Set up a number field on Activity Type for Notional Value
- Add Text, Date and Yes/No fields as required, for example
Text Field: e.g. GIK Description or GIK Product
Date Fields: e.g. Date Pledged and Date Provided
Yes/No Field: e.g. Confirmed and Completed
- Save Changes
Add Activity to Constituent Timeline
From within a constituents timeline, add a new activity
- Set the date
- Select the Gift in Kind Activity Type from the drop-down box
- Select the Campaign from the drop-down box
- Insert any Notes as required
- Add the details to the Text, Date and Yes/No fields as required
- Create a task, if required, for example - follow up on 18th May 2020
- If an alert is to be shown on the constituent's record, then toggle the Show as Alert switch to Yes
- Add any connections, if needed
- Once you have entered the data you would like, Save Changes
The Gift in Kind Activity will then display on the constituent Timeline
Create a List
To see what Gift in Kinds have been received or pledged, and the status, create an Activity List.
- Name your List
- Include the Activity Type - in this case Gift in Kind
- Add any additional Filters as required
- Save & Update Preview
If you use the include field rather than a filter you will be able to filter or include the extra fields by name rather than field 1, field 2 etc.
Auto Tags
If you would like to you can also create a Gift in Kind Tag and set it so that it uses the Gift in Kind List to Auto Tag the constituent record. See these articles to create a tag and set the Auto Tag:
Create a Tag: Setting up Tags
Set up Auto Tagging: Auto Tagging