How to link JustGiving and Donorfy


NOTE: the integration uses JustGiving's Data API. Please check JustGiving's website for the availability of the Data API for your organisation. It may not be available on certain price plans - this is beyond Donorfy's control.


To allow Donorfy to retrieve data from JustGiving you need to

Once you have done that, in Donorfy go to Integrations > JustGiving > Settings





Enter the details for your JustGiving account:

  • JustGiving Charity ID
    The Charity ID provided by JustGiving (the JustGiving charity ID is not the same as the charity registration number)
  • API Key
    The and API Key provided by JustGiving.
    the API Key is also known as 'App ID' - it's usually an 8-character piece of text which may be found at
  • Username
    The username you use for your JustGiving Charity Account
  • Password
    The  password you use for your JustGiving Charity Account

(The username and password are case sensitive and is not the user name and password)



Use the 'Test Settings' button to validate these entries.


Once the test settings have been completed you can set the defaults for how data from JustGiving should be mapped into Donorfy before saving - see settings and mappings.


The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for JustGiving - enrol here


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