JustGiving - FAQs


Which JustGiving plan do I need?

JustGiving offers a free START plan and a paid GROW plan. Only the GROW plan includes access to the JustGiving APIs, so this is the plan you need for the Donorfy integration.


Why is no data being retrieved from JustGiving?

At the foot of Donorfy's JustGiving settings page, you can see at a glance the date Donorfy last tried to retrieve data from JustGiving, as well as the dates of the last donation and Gift Aid payments received and processed.



The first thing to check is that your credentials for JustGiving remain valid: go to Integrations > JustGiving > Settings and use the 'Test Settings' button to confirm. 


If the test fails, then the message displayed will provide you with an indication of what the error is, for example:


This message suggests that the user credentials to login to JustGiving are incorrect or are not authorised for the JustGiving API plan. 

This article from JustGiving provides more info on how to resolve this issue.


If the Test was successful, but the data last received is still a number of weeks old, then you can manually run the integration using the 'Run Now' button at the bottom of the page. This will check the API for any 'late' or 'unprocessed' files from JustGiving.



Why do JustGiving donations take a number of days to appear in Donorfy?

JustGiving does not immediately make new donations available via its API. Payments from JustGiving to charities typically occur weekly, and donations will not be available in Donorfy until the corresponding batch payment has been made. In addition, donations made in the days prior to the weekly payment may not be included until the following week's payment, due to clearing times etc.

The net impact is that new donations made in JustGiving will not typically be seen in Donorfy for up to 2 weeks after the date of the donation.


Why are my Campaigns or Fundraising Pages not showing?

This may be because of a couple of reasons:

For a JustGiving Campaign to be displayed within the Donorfy lists, a Fundraising Page needs to be assigned to it. 

Campaign and Fundraising Pages are updated overnight. If you have only just created them, then this may well be why they are not being displayed in the Campaigns List. 


Where Gift Aid is reclaimed by Just Giving, how is this handled in Donorfy?

If JustGiving's Gift Aid reclaim service is being used, Gift Aid payments will be processed and applied to the relevant transactions when received; any additional charges will be added to the existing processing costs for the transaction.


How are JustGiving fundraisers and donors mapped to constituents in Donorfy?

For fundraisers and non-anonymous donors, the following will apply. Donorfy will use the email address, first name and last name supplied and try to match these to an existing constituent. Donorfy will use a confidence score to identify the Constituent that best matches. Where the Confidence score is lower than 13 or there is no match found, a new Constituent will be added.

For anonymous donors, the 'Anonymous Donor Constituent' selected will be used to record transaction data representing donations. This setting is made under Settings > Configuration > JustGiving Settings, and may be overridden per campaign.


Does Donorfy write any data back into JustGiving?

No - Donorfy only reads data from the JustGiving API. No changes are made to the charity's JustGiving account or settings by Donorfy.


I mapped my campaign incorrectly how can I change it?

If you used the campaign codes in JustGiving you can change these accordingly in JustGiving and the Fundraising pages will update overnight. 

If you mapped the Donorfy Campaign to a JustGiving campaign from within Donorfy, then you can change this within Donorfy accordingly. 

Once the new mapping has been completed any new donations will be applied correctly. 

In both cases, you will need to manually update any Donations that have already been received on Donorfy - this can be done by editing each transaction on each constituent timeline, or by creating a transaction List based on the Campaign and the Payment Method and then use the File Uploader to Update those transactions - see Updating Transactions using the File Uploader


How do I change my username or password for JustGiving?

You can easily overtype the details within the boxes by clicking into and amending each one in turn. 

Click into the Username field, and then delete the user name. Freetype the correct user name - it is important that you do not select any autofill options that your web browser is suggesting. 

Next, click into the password field, and then delete the user name. Freetype the correct password - it is important that you do not select any autofill options that your web browser is suggesting. 

Once the details have been entered, click on the Save button. 

Next, click the Test Settings button to make sure that the new credentials are all working. If the test passes, super, your integration is good to go. 

If the Test fails, a red banner will appear which provides details from JustGiving as to the failure reason. Correct as required, save and test again. 


The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for JustGiving - enrol here


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