Eventbrite - FAQs


What constituent data does Eventbrite add to Donofy?

The following is added to Donorfy for new constituents:

Prefix (Mr., Mrs., etc.) - added to Donorfy
Suffix - N/a
Gender - N/a
Home phone - added to Donorfy
Cell phone - N/a
email address - added to Donorfy
Home address - added to Donorfy
Shipping address - N/a
Website - N/a
Blog - N/a
Job title - N/a
Company / Organization - N/a
Work address - N/a
Work phone - N/a


Why does Donorfy contain duplicate entries after data is loaded from Eventbrite?

This is most likely because Eventbrite has been configured with 2 or more webhooks linked to Donorfy. To avoid creation of duplicate entries in Donorfy, you must ensure only one Eventbrite webhook is configured.

If Eventbrite has more than one webhook linked to Donorfy, these will all be fired simultaneously and will probably be processed in parallel by Donorfy. This may lead to multiple similar constituent, transaction and activity entries.

See Linking Eventbrite and Donorfy for more information.


When does the integration pull through addresses from Eventbrite?

When adding a new constituent to Donorfy, contact details will be filled out using data from Eventbrite as available.

The Eventbrite integration does not pull through and update addresses for pre-existing constituents. This is because multiple event attendees may frequently be registered under the same email address.

In this case, if you do want to import the address details for constituents you will need to export the attendee list for the event and to then upload this to Donorfy via the File Uploader.
To obtain your attendee list, you will need to:

  • Login to Eventbrite, click on Manage Events, then locate the event that you require the addresses for.



  • Click on Manage Event
  • Then Manage Attendees > Attendee List
  • Click on Full Attendee Report
  • Click on > Show Columns to select the required data for exporting
  • Then Click on Export: Excel




You can then use the File Uploader to Update Constituents records as required.


How are refunds from Eventbrite dealt with?

Refunded tickets will not automatically be posted into Donorfy from Eventbrite. The refund will need to be processed manually into Donorfy.

The original transaction in Donorfy can be deleted, but this would give it the appearance that there never was a transaction in the first place... 

The "right" way, in the accounting sense, is to enter a negative version of the same transaction (same Campaign, Product, Fund, Department, etc, but with a negative value). This then tells the story of what happened, and it nets out a zero. It would also then flow through to the accounts (if linked) in the correct way.


How does an event with scheduled dates (multiple calendar dates) come through into Donorfy?

Where a single event has multiple dates that can be selected, these will be visible in Donorfy as individual events. So for example, if you have a Fundraising Dinner which has 3 dates available to choose from, each of those dates will be presented to Donorfy as a single event.




We advise creating a Campaign in Donorfy to Match each date. You can name them similar so that when you create a list to report on attendees and finances you can filter the Campaign by Starts with.

For example:

Fundraising Dinner 2020 - day 1 

Fundraising Dinner 2020 - day 2 

Fundraising Dinner 2020 - day 3



How does Donorfy manage the option not to absorb fees for tickets purchased?

When creating your tickets in Eventbrite there is an option to absorb fees for the ticket sale - i.e the processing costs are taken from your revenue rather than being passed to the purchaser:


When selected to absorb, the amount that will be payable by the person booking will be the ticket price itself (inc any add ons) and this will be inserted in to Donorfy as the Amount Paid. The processing fee will then be inserted to the Processing Costs on the Transaction. 

As per the example below:


When the fees are being passed on to the person booking (i.e not absorbing the fees), the amount that will be payable by the person booking will be the ticket price itself (inc any add ons) + the fees.
This amount will be inserted in to Donorfy as the Amount Paid.

As a fee was applicable, the processing fee will also be inserted to the Processing Costs on the Transaction. 

As per the example below:




The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Eventbrite - enrol here


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