Changing Membership Prices


From time to time you may want to change the price charged for your membership products - this process is performed as follows:

  1. Identifying the membership whose price you want to change 
  2. Setting the pending price of the affected membership to the new price - this is to allow you to review the price change and contact members to inform them about the new price 
  3. Applying the pending price to the membership - which means future payment collections will use the new price

Here are some more details of the process.

Setting the Prices

For each membership product 

  • Check the current membership prices are correct - these will be used as the new prices
  • If you allow people choose how much to pay for their membership you can specify the minimum prices for each combination of product and payment frequency - this allows you only change the price for members paying less than the minimum

Identifying the membership whose price you want to change 

Go to the Price Change tab from the Membership option on the left - on this tab you can set up rules which will be used to change the prices, in the simplest case you need to set up one rule - press the Add Price Change Rule button 


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Set up the criteria for the rule, if you only need one rule give it a simple name - e.g. annual price increase - if you need multiple rules you can choose names that help identify them

Once your rule(s) are set up press the Preview Price Change button - this will

  • Reset the pending prices associated with all your membership RPIs
  • Run through the Price Change Rule(s) you have set up in the order they are listed and set the pending price on the membership RPIs based on the rule(s)
  • Note that
      • The price change rule is only applied to RPIs with a status in this list


        • Active
        • Awaiting Confirmation
        • Overdue
        • Paused
        • To be Lodged
      • if a RPI is affected by more than rule then it will be updated by the first applicable rule 

You can repeat the preview price change as many times as you need. 

Checking the Price Change 

You can use a membership list to review the pending prices associated with each membership RPI. 

Applying the Price Change

Once you are happy with the pending prices - press the 'Apply Price Change' button - this will update allocations for membership products on each RPI with a pending price as follows

  • Copy the current amount to the previous price
  • Set the Amount Due for each membership product to the pending price - any other allocations on the RPI - e.g. for a donation - will be left unchanged
  • Update the Price Changed Date on the allocations
  • Clear the pending price on the allocations



Memberships is a Professional-only feature. Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgrading.


The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Memberships - enrol here



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