Missing required detail:
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
Scroll up the page to locate the section where there is missing default information noted by an asterisk *, enter the missing details, click on donate button
CVC incorrect or missing
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
Your card's security code is incomplete.
Resolution - delete the CVC number and re-key in the detail
Invalid Expiry date
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
Your card's expiration year is in the past.
Resolution - delete the Expiry Date and re-key in the detail, click on donate button
Card declined or blocked:
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
Your card was declined.
Resolution - delete all details of the payment card and try another payment card, click on donate button
Invalid card number:
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
Your card number is invalid.
Resolution - delete the Card Number and re-enter, click on donate button
Invalid Amount:
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
Invalid amount of NaN
Stripe confirming that the amount entered is not a number. For example, there may have been a comma within the amount - i.e 3,500 - or had an erroneous space at the end of it. Both of these examples would have turned a numeric value into a non-numeric value and failed to process the payment via Stripe.
Resolution - delete the amount and enter without commas or additional spaces or non-numeric characters. - e.g: 1 or 1.50 or 1000 etc.
Failed Authentication (3D Secure):
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
A processing error occurred
This occurs when the Card issuer and bank have automatically declined the transaction.
Resolution - re-try the payment
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
We are unable to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment method and try again
Resolution - delete all details of the payment card and try another payment card, click on donate button
Too many payment attempts:
There is a problem with this form - please correct the errors and re-try
Resolution - delete all details of the payment card and try another payment card, click on donate button
Or wait for 24hrs to re-try card details again
Other reasons:
Clicking on the donate button and it does nothing it may be that the payment amount is missing. An error message will be noted at the side of the amount section
For further information about error messages related to Stripe transactions see - https://stripe.com/docs/declines/codes
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