Pin a Tag to a Constituent Profile


Tags are a powerful tool for organising your constituents, but sometimes you need one of them to be a bit more prominent, such as if the Constituent is a High-Value Donor,  or a certain member of the team is assigned to them - any data point that you might want to see before you get into the detail of a constituent profile.

A Tag can be selected to be pinned to the top of Constituent profiles as a way of displaying key information. It also means that the tag will continue to be visible after you've switched to the timeline view.

This can be set from Settings > Configuration > Tags & Tag Categories and either find the Tag you want to pin or create a new one (Setting Up Tags)




Within the settings of a Tag, you can set the 'Show this tag as a Pinned Tag' to Yes - Where a Constituent has that Tag on their Profile, it will then display within the summary details section at the top of their Profile.


Below is an example of where the Pinned Tag switch is on a Tag: 

example of Gift Aid Tag being set as a Pinned Tag


The Tag will then display on all Constituents where the Tag features on their Profile as follows:


Summary section:

Pinned Tag Displayed on Constituent Profile


To add a Tag to a Constituent Profile see - Adding a Constituent Tag

Once the Tag has been added and the changes to the Profile saved, the Pinned Tag will display when the page is refreshed. 


If Tag visibility has been turned off for some users, Pinned Tags will not override that setting, so they won't see the Pinned Tags if they can't see the Tag in the main body of the Constituent Profile. 


If the Tag is removed from the Tag the Constituent's Profile, then the Pinned Tag will also be removed. 







1 comment
  • Loving this new feature- its really helpful for us.

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