

The countries available within Donorfy are derived from official ISO country codes. Donorfy comes with a few most frequently used Countries pre-added, however, you can add as many or all to your list if you would like to. All countries that have an official country ISO alpha-2 code can be added.


To add a Country

  • Open Settings > Configuration > Countries

  • Click on the + icon to the right of the screen and the following option will be displayed:


  • Open the drop-down list to show all available Countries

  • Either type in the name of the country that is required to be added, or scroll down the list to locate it and then select it
  • Click on Save Changes


The Country will then be available for use within your Donorfy within the Contact Details section of a Constituent’s Profile as well as on online forms and donation pages. However, if using Web Widgets, any new countries added will need to be added to the HTML code on your website.


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