Name Titles


These are the drop-down values for the prefix to a constituent's name. For example Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx, Sir, Dr, Cllr, Lady or Lord, etc.

The stored titles will be available to use within the Constituent Profile as well as on online forms where the name is being added.


To add a Title

  • Open Settings > Configuration > Titles


    • Click on the + icon to the right of the screen
    • Enter the description for the Title being added

Please note:

For Gift Aid purposes, Titles should be 4 letters but no punctuation - i.e. Mrs is ok but Mrs. is not. Where Titles are required to be longer, please ensure that the Title within the Gift Aid Declaration is amended to be 4 characters in total.

  • Ensure it is set to Active
  • Click on Save Changes


The Title will then be available for use within your Donorfy within the Personal Details section of a Constituent’s Profile:



Please note:

When adding a Constituent for the first time the Title will be added to the Label Name and Salutation fields and also when an existing Constituent is updated.

However, where the Label Name or Salutation fields have been manually entered these fields will not update to include the new Title and so will need to be manually updated.




Reporting on Titles in Lists

In your List, click on the data field selector icon, and type 'Title' into the search field - the options will then be displayed - select the one that says Title



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