Changing a Constituent's Constituent Type


There may be instances where a Constituent has been added to your Donorfy incorrectly, perhaps an Organisation was added as an Individual or a Trust added as a Charity, or there has been an internal re-categorisation of Constituent Types. 

The changing of the Constituent Type can be administered in a couple of ways:

  • From the Constituent Profile
  • From the File Updater


Please Note

When changing a Constituent Type depending on the change being made data may need to be moved or noted down for re-entry due to the loss of fields that are no longer relevant.

For example, changing from an Individual Type to an Organisational Type, any details currently held within the Personal data fields, such as Address, Names, DOB, etc., will not be moved to alternative fields. This will need to be done manually, by copying the details from the Personal to Work or Other address tab as required.

Similarly, changing an Organisation to an Individual, any Organisational information, such as the Organisation name will need to be moved to the correct field in the Work or Other tabs.


This can also be achieved by way of the File Uploader for bulk updates - see Cleaning your Constituent Data



From the Constituent Profile

Constituent Type

Once data that needs to be retained has been moved (see the note above) the change can be actioned.

There is not an undo feature for this, so ensure that data has been moved or noted down for adding later.

  • From within the constituent profile, click on the orange Manage button.
  • Then select Change Constituent Type

Change Constituent Type Example

  • ​A form will appear providing the detail of the current Constituent Type. 
    Click the dropdown list to show all other Constituent Types and then select the one that the Constituent should be moved to. 

Selecting New Constituent Type Example

  • To the right the box(es) displayed will become empty. Enter the Individual Name or the Organisation Name as required

New Constituent Details for Changed Type Example

  • Next, click on the Change Type button
  • The Constituent Profile will then be updated


A log of the change will be added to the ChangeLog on the Constituent Timeline


From the File Uploader

​For large-scale changes, the File Updater can be used. This article will guide you through the update process: Updating Constituents using the File Uploader


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