Google Analytics can track Donorfy Forms to help you see their performance on your website by adding your Google Analytics tracking ID to the Forms section in Donorfy.
To do this:
Open Forms > Google Analytics
Copy your UA ID or your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Tag ID from your analytics account and paste it into the box, as shown in the image below.
This support article from Google will help you find your code: Tracking ID support page
This support article from Google will help you find your GA4 ID: Finding your Google Tag Id
Click on the Save Changes button
This will track all Donorfy forms that are created within the Donorfy tenant.
For other UTM tracking, this can be added to each form. Forms > Manage Forms> your particular form > Tracking
More detailed information can be found in our Knowledge Base. The creating and editing forms page might help in particular.
The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Donation Forms - enrol here