How can I be notified when someone completes a Form?
There are a number of ways in which you can see and receive information about completed Forms:
1. The History tab - Forms > History
2. A List, filtered by your Form settings
3. An Task Notification set up via an Activity Element
4. A Trigger set to email yourself or another Donorfy User
The History Tab
Opening Forms > History will provide a complete List of Forms that have been submitted and added to your Donorfy, or set aside for checking as they have been flagged as potential spam. You can see the Constituent (and click through to their Profile), the date the Form was completed and the Type of Form that was completed.
A List
You will need to create a List depending on the element type that you wish to review. For example, suppose you want to see what financials have come in this week for a Form. In that case, you will need to create a Donations List, filtered by the settings used on that Form, i.e Dept, Campaign, Marketing Channel (not communications), Fund, Payment Method, etc, and then by the preferred Date Paid range.
If you want to be specific to an individual Form, then you could create a Campaign for that Form and use that Campaign as part of your Form settings.
A Task Notification
You can add an Activity Element to any Form Type, and set this to be added without asking a Question. Add an Activity Type, such as Notes.
Next, set Create a task when adding the activity to Yes and complete the details as to who the Task is for and what the Task is.
Set the send email option to Yes - this will then send the Donorfy user an email as well as add the item to their Tasks view.
A Trigger
You can use a Trigger to send emails relating to a completed Form to a Donorfy User - these articles about Triggers will guide you through setting this up: Triggers and Trigger Actions (Email)
You will need a List to identify the Form Element that you wish to be notified about (see A List above).
The Donorfy Academy features a learning course for Donation Forms - enrol here