Donations and Payments
Accepting and managing payments, Gift Aid, regular donations, membership and other transactions using Donorfy's financial tools.
Gifts in Memory / Gifts in Celebration
Gifts in Memory (in memoriam) and Gifts in Celebration can be entered within Donorfy by connecting the donation to the person / tribute fund in whose memory the donation was made. This will enable all donations to be reported on correctly and the ...
Gifts in Kind
A suggested way to add Gifts in Kind to Donorfy and report on them, without affecting transactional figures and potentially Gift Aid, you can create a dedicated Gift in Kind Activity Type and add Gift in Kind Activities to a constituent's timeline...
Payments and Allocations - the two halves of a Transaction
A Transaction is comprised of two 'halves' the Payment - describing how much was paid, by what method, why it was given: Campaign - the "why" it was given. Required. Payment Method - the "how" (also affects Gift Aid eligibility). Required. th...
Handling Donations made in Different Currencies
Donorfy is designed to work with one active currency - this means the numbers shown on dashboards, campaign analytics and giving stats do not split amounts into different currencies. Donorfy is not a multi-currency solution. By default, Donorfy wi...
Campaigns, Products and Funds explained
A Donorfy Transaction has 3 essential codes. They are: Campaign Product Fund A Campaign is the thing that prompts someone to make a donation. It could be a mailing, an event, an online giving page etc. It is so you can track the eff...
Transaction Data Summary
This is a summary of the meaning of the various pieces of data you can assign to a transaction. These are the key pieces of data Campaign - the fundraising or marketing initiative that prompted the donation or payment - e.g. Christmas Appeal ...
Timeline Transactions
Adding Previously Received Transactions
You can add historic or recently received Transactions to a Constituent's Timeline so you have a more complete picture of their giving. This can be done directly from the Timeline or added via the File Uploader. To ensure the Transaction appears i...
Adding a Donation to a Constituent's Timeline
Income of any kind, including donations, is represented in Donorfy by timeline items called Transactions. To add a Transaction follow these steps: Find the constituent in the constituent search (if the constituent does not exist you should add it...
Setting Date Received on a Donation or Transaction
If you are entering transactions you received in the past and want to make sure the date received is set to the date you actually received the donation you should do the following: Display the details of the transaction by pressing more - highlig...
Soft credits in Donorfy
Soft crediting is the act of assigning recognition of a donation to another party or parties who are not the actual donor. For example, Mr A gives £1,000 but you wish to assign 50% of the value of that donation to Mr B who encouraged Mr A to make ...
Anonymous Donations
Adding Anonymous Donations To add an anonymous donation you should click on Home, then from there click the Add button, then click on Transaction - complete the transaction form but do not link the new transaction to a constituent. Listing & Disp...
Reassigning a Transaction
Reassigning a transaction allows you to assign an anonymous donation to a constituent - e.g. if you find out who gave a donation - see this article for more information. You can also Move transactions between constituents - e.g. if a transaction ...
Acknowledgements and Letters
Settings Donorfy comes with two sample acknowledgements called ‘Thank You Email’ and 'Thank You Letter' - you can set up further acknowledgement types from the settings menu - see this article for more information The Thank You is automatically se...
Acknowledgements for Online Donations
When using Donorfy's Web Widgets, Donation Forms or Campaign Donation Pages to collect donations online via either Stripe or GoCardless, you can set up the process to send the acknowledgments automatically so you do not need to manually action the...
Create individual files based on a Mail Merge
Create individual files based on a Mail Merge. 1. Your template should contain a Heading 1 at the top of the letter – This can be hidden text (i.e in white font). 2. Finish and merge to edit individual documents 3. In the newly created docume...
Using Mail Merge Function for Acknowledgements
To complete the acknowledgement process and print your letters you are able to use the downloaded acknowledgements file to populate document templates, for example, a thank you letter, campaign letter, RPI template, etc. To do this you will need t...
Mail Merging
This article explains how to create a set of data for the mail merge feature in Microsoft Word to create and to print form letters by using data from a Microsoft Excel worksheet. Donorfy allows you to create Lists across a wide range of areas with...
Gift Aid - Constituents
Adding a Gift Aid Declaration
Donorfy allows you to record a Gift Aid Declaration on a constituent's Timeline and for a document to be attached. To add a new Gift Aid Declaration to a constituent's Timeline follow the steps below: Add a Gift Aid Declaration from the main Ad...
Adding Gift Aid Declarations that require confirmation
If a constituent makes a Gift Aid Declaration that you need to confirm - e.g. when making a donation by phone - when you add the Gift Aid Declaration make sure you set Confirmation Required to Yes - see the example below If you need to set up a n...
Preventing a transaction from appearing in a Gift Aid claim
To stop a transaction from appearing in a gift aid claim Find the transaction on the constituents timeline and open it Open the details of the allocation - by pressing the down arrow highlighted in green below, then change potentially gift aid-ab...
Confirming Gift Aid Declarations
If a constituent makes a verbal Gift Aid declaration (GAD) - e.g. when making a donation by phone - you need to provide them with a written confirmation of their declaration. This is how you do that: In Donorfy go to Financial | Gift Aid and sele...
Can I reassign a Gift Aid Declaration?
There isn't a reassign feature for Gift Aid Declaration. You would first need to Reverse any Gift Aid claimed on the incorrect Constituent's donations and ensure this is repaid prior to completing the next part. To Reverse a Gift Aid donation, p...
Gift Aid Refused
If a constituent tells you they are unwilling or unable to make a Gift Aid declaration you should find their record, on their Profile tab at the bottom of the Name section there is a switch 'Gift Aid Refused' - set this to Yes. This is to enable y...
Batch Transactions
Batch Templates
If you enter transactions in batches - see this article - you can create batch templates to speed up data entry and allow the entry of more information associated with batched transactions. In summary, this works as follows - you create a batch te...
Batched Transactions
If you have a number of transactions to enter you can enter them more quickly as a batch of transactions. Requirements Transaction Batch Entry is a Professional-only feature. Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgra...
Recurring Payment Instructions (RPIs)
Collecting regular/recurring donations and transactions through Donorfy
It’s easy to collect and manage recurring/regular donations or membership subscriptions with Donorfy’s online payment gateway integrations and financial processing tools for 3rd party sources, such as, your bank account statement downloads or Dire...
Recurring Instruction (RPI) FAQs
What are the built-in Collection methods Donorfy uses? The following built-in Collection Methods are below, and they use the associated Payment Methods: GoCardless => Direct Debit Stripe => Payment Card Standing Order => Standing Order When do P...
Adding and updating Recurring Payment Instructions (RPI)
The following process shows how to create a new Recurring Payment Instruction (RPI) for a constituent from within a constituent's profile. Note: New RPIs can also be created by web widgets for payments you will collect by Stripe or GoCardless ...
Linking a Beneficiary to a Transaction or Recurring Payment Instruction
If you have a membership or friends scheme where one constituent can gift or pay for membership for another constituent who gets the benefits you can set up the Recurring Payment Instruction (RPI) or Transaction that pays for the membership to sho...
Pause an RPI
You may need to pause an RPI for one or more reasons, such as a supporter is between jobs and can't afford a regular monthly payment currently. Pausing is quick and easy, and all completed from within the RPI itself as follows: On the constituen...
Increasing an RPI (RPI Upgrade)
If a supporter wants to increase their regular donation you can opt to 'upgrade' their RPI. This adds a new allocation to their RPI and alters the total amount to be collected. From within the constituent Timeline... Locate the RPI in question, ...
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
Handling your own EFT using Donorfy
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) is the process of collecting funds on a regular basis from your constituents’ accounts into yours. Typical uses are for regular donations and membership subscriptions. There are various forms of EFT including Direct ...
Exporting new RPIs for lodging with your EFT Institution
Some types of EFT collection require you to send a file of instructions which are then lodged with supporters bank before payments can be collected. If your collection method needs a lodgement file you must: Go into Settings and open your collect...
Collecting & Reconciling Money paid by EFT
In order to collect and reconcile money received by EFT a batch must be created comprising the payments that we expect to collect (e.g. by direct debit) or be paid (e.g. by standing order). You can create as many batches as you need - for example...
Reconciling Bank Statements to an EFT Batch
If you can download a file containing the information from your bank statements, you can use the file to match transactions within an EFT batch. You need to prepare an Excel workbook containing the information from your bank - your Excel workbook ...