Online donations

  • Online giving options with Donorfy

    Donorfy offers various ways for you to collect donations online with the benefit of them being added directly into your Donorfy database - donation forms & widgets (cards and direct debits) and campaign pages (cards only).   Accepting Direct Debit...

  • Viewing the donations that were made via your website

    When donations are made via a Donorfy form, a web widget or donation page created for a campaign they are automatically processed and the details are added to Donorfy. For Donations made via a Donorfy Form To see more detail click on the + next to...


  • Form & Web Widget Security

    We monitor requests made to web widgets and forms to try and  Identify and block suspicious requests Block automated form submissions - i.e. submissions from spambots   Identify and Blocking Suspicious Requests If the pattern of requests from a...

  • Transactions Marked as High Fraud Risk by Stripe

    If you start to notice transactions in your Stripe dashboard which are blocked as being fraudulent it could be that fraudsters are trying to use your donation page for card testing - which means they're testing whether credit card details they hav...


  • Forms Overview

    Donorfy Forms is a flexible and powerful feature enabling you to create a variety of web-based forms that insert data directly into your Donorfy. Forms are hosted by Donorfy and don't require any website programming knowledge to create!  Once your...

  • Example - a Gift Aid opt-in campaign

    You could be missing out on a lot of income if donors have not made Gift Aid Declarations. Here's how you can use Donorfy to identify them, get in touch with them and provide a simple online form so that they can make their GAD there and then. The...

  • Form Elements

    Form Elements are the building blocks of your Form. These blocks are the parts which will be displayed to and completed by your supporters. Each element provides different functionality allowing the display of information or collection of details ...

  • Creating and Editing Forms

    Creating a new form is quick and easy, and can be completed within a few minutes! To get started, Donorfy Forms are created within Forms > Manage Forms Click on Add From   A new Form screen will appear where some pre-requisites are entered: Fo...

  • Standalone Forms

    Giving Your Forms a Consistent Look and Feel To give your standalone forms the look and feel that is consistent with your website you can set up the header, footer, and content that will be shown surrounding them. To do this, go to Forms | Brandin...

  • Form Appearance

    You can choose the colours, fonts, and style for the inputs & buttons used by your forms - to do this go to Forms | Branding and click on the Form Appearance tab. As shown in the example below as you change the form appearance the preview will upd...

See all 22 articles


  • Membership Introduction & Overview

    Welcome to the Memberships tools within Donorfy.   Requirements Memberships is a Professional-only feature. Essential subscribers, if, after reading through the overview and other supporting documentation you feel that Memberships is right for yo...

  • Allowing Access to Membership

    If you want to use the membership features of your Donorfy you need to first enable the feature within your Donorfy.    Requirements Enabling the Membership feature can only be completed by a user with Administrator permissions    Memberships is ...

  • Setting Up Membership Products

    You need to set up products for each type or class of membership you offer, for example, you might need the following products Individual Membership  Family Membership  Some factors to consider when deciding which membership products you need ar...

  • Uploading Memberships & Members

    You can upload memberships and up to 6 members per membership. Memberships and Members Download the Data Preparation template and copy the RPI Memberships worksheet into a new workbook. Please note: the Membership Start Date is when the membershi...

  • Membership Paid Up To Date

    A membership recurring payment instruction (RPI) has a Paid Up to Date this is calculated based on payments received and can be used to find memberships that have missed payments - e.g. to contact the member or to lapse or expire memberships. Memb...

  • Membership Bulk Cancel

    The membership bulk cancel feature allows you to cancel RPIs from non-paying members in bulk - this will stop payments from being collected in the future. The membership bulk cancel feature works with the membership status update feature - i.e. yo...

See all 11 articles

Web Widgets

  • Web Widgets Introduction

    Web widgets are a kind of easy API for web designers, making it possible for them to build and embed completely customisable giving pages onto your website, using the popular Stripe (for payment cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal) and GoCardl...

  • Implementing Web Widgets on your website

    This guide is designed for web developers and web designers for the implementation of Web Widgets on to your website.   Requirements Web Widgets are a Professional-only feature. Essential subscribers, please contact us to find out more about upgr...

  • Adding PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Pay to your Web Widgets

    Adding PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Pay to your Web Widget(s) makes it even easier for your supporters to donate to your charity or make a financial transaction for another purpose by replacing the need to find their physical card and tap in those...

  • Web Widgets Donations and Existing Constituents

    If someone makes a donation via a Donorfy web widget or a campaign donation page Donorfy will try and match the donation to your existing constituents. The matching process uses the same approach that we use for duplicate checking see 'How the che...

  • Allowing Purposes in Web Widgets

    Donorfy's Web Widgets allow you to add allowed or blocked Purposes to Constituent Profiles added or updated via a Web Widget - to use this feature you need to make some changes to the HTML generated for the Web Widget. The details of the allowed o...

  • Using Tags with Web Widgets

    Donorfy Web Widgets allow you to add active or blocked tags to constituents added or updated via a web widget - to use this feature you need to make some changes to the HTML generated for the web widget. The details of the active or blocked tags y...

See all 13 articles

Campaign Donation Pages

  • Campaign Donation Page

    You can create a transactional page that will allow you take one-off or recurring donations for your Campaign - these pages are hosted by Donorfy so you don't need to make any changes to your website. You need to be connected to Stripe to take don...