Working with Data
Importing data (file uploads), updating data (file updater), cleaning data and bulk deletion of constituent data
Using the File Uploader
Importing data into Donorfy - overview
The File Uploader What is it and what does it do? The File Uploader is an inbuilt facility that allows you to import data quickly and efficiently in a standardised way. So, whether you are populating your Donorfy system for the 1st time, adding mo...
Tips and things to avoid when using the File Uploader
In the File Uploader Overview you will have found out the purposes it can be used for, who has access, what can be uploaded and suggested course of building your data uploads. To help you upload data with minimal errors and as quickly as possible...
How to upload, Check the File and Complete the Upload
Using File Upload Once you have your data as clean as possible (remember junk in will result in either errors within the file upload, or data inconsistencies on records, which in turn can lead to reporting problems and potential problems with ...
Using External Keys when you are Importing Data
An external key is an id or key value that is already assigned to your constituents e.g. from an existing database you have. If can be useful to bring in the external key when you import constituents into Donorfy as you can then use the external ...
File Upload (Importing Data)
Upgrading / Increasing Recurring Payment Instructions (RPIs) via the File Uploader
Upgrades to RPIs There purpose of this type of import is to increase the amount people are paying under their RPI - e.g. following a campaign to ask people to give more. The RPIs (and by implication the constituents) must already exist in the data...
Updating the Data Preparation Template
You can update (or refresh) the data preparation template by going to Data Management | File Upload and pressing the Update Template button - this button is on the top right of the File Upload box. This will rebuild the Data Preparation Template i...
Importing Constituents
These are the steps needed to import Constituents. Download the Donorfy data preparation template from Data Management | File Upload - this is an Excel workbook. Copy your constituent data into the rows in the appropriate worksheet and columns in...
Creating connections between existing constituents using the file uploader
When you upload a file of constituents you can create connections between the new constituents in your file and existing constituents in your Donorfy this article explains how to do that. However if you want to create connections between existing ...
Creating connections & beneficiaries links using the file uploader
Creating connections between constituents When you upload a file of constituents you can include information in the columns below to create a connection between existing constituents and the constituents that will be added by the file upload If yo...
Importing Donations (Transactions)
You can import donations (Donorfy calls them Transactions) using Donorfy’s Data Preparation Template. This template is available to download within Data Management > File Upload Prior to downloading the template ensure you refresh it by clicking o...
File Upload (Updating Data)
Updating Constituents using the File Uploader
This article explains how to update existing constituents in bulk using the File Uploader. Updating Constituents is different from Cleaning Constituent data, in that the updating of constituents is for block updating of fields, e.g. Post Code, Gen...
Updating Channels & Purposes with the File Uploader
You can use the File Uploader to update Channel and Purpose permissions for existing Constituents. Below are the steps you need to follow. Caution: Please note that this type of file upload cannot be undone. Please ensure that the data that is ...
Updating Website Addresses and Social Media IDs with the File Uploader
You can use the file uploader to update social media IDs and website addresses for existing constituents these are the steps you need to follow. Download Constituent Update Template (Constituent Update.xlsx) which can be found here:Updating Const...
Updating Tags on Constituent Profiles
The File Uploader will allow for Tags to be added or removed, or Tags with extra fields to be added. What it does not do, however, is update existing Tags on Constituent Profiles with changed or additional information. To achieve the addition of...
Updating Channels and adding/removing Tags with an Upload File
You can upload (import) a file and use it to Add or remove tags from existing constituents, or Allow or block communication channels for existing constituents Note - Updates to channels made via this importer do not get recorded in the Prefere...
Updating Transactions using the File Uploader
This article explains how to update existing transactions using the File Uploader. Each transaction has one Payment part and one or more Allocation parts. Each of these has a transaction number. The number you usually see, e.g. on a constituent ti...
Other types of Import Files
Importing & Reconciling Standing Order Files
If your bank can provide you with a file of Standing Order payments in a format known as BACS Standard 18 - example shown below - you can match them to Recurring Payment Instructions in Donorfy as follows. If you cannot get a file in this format s...
Importing CAF Payment Files
If this is the first time you have imported a CAF file you should go into Settings (see this) search for Payment Methods and add a new payment method called 'CAF' Each time you download a file from CAF you will need to open it in Excel and add the...
Data Cleaning
Bulk Deletion of Timeline Activities
Occasionally you may need to delete Activities from a Constituent Timeline, whilst they can be manually deleted from within the Timeline, if there is a large number of Activities to delete then the process described below can be used. This is a ...
Duplicates - Overview
What is a duplicate? When Donorfy detects that a constituent has very similar details to another constituent, Donorfy will flag them as possible duplicates. This means they might be the same person or organisation. Enabling or disabling the checks...
Duplicates - Single Matches
The Duplicates process separates single matches from multiple matches so that you can merge duplicate records quickly. The single matches display all of the results where the target constituent (right side) only has one matched constituent. Thes...
Duplicates - All Matches
Where there are many potential duplicates found for a single constituent profile, these are then added to the All Matches section. The All Matches section displays 10 duplicate sets on a single page and will notes how many potential duplicates ...
Duplicates - Auto merge
An auto merge feature in Duplicates is available to help to reduce the amount of time spent assigning items to merge. This can be switched on from Settings > Configuration > Duplicates Settings The auto merge feature will merge matches that have b...
Bulk Deletion of Constituents
Please Note - Once deleted these Constituents cannot be restored The Bulk Delete option under Data Management can be used to removed archived constituents from your Donorfy, you must be an administrator to access the bulk delete option can arc...
Data Management FAQs
Attachments Utility
Overview This is only applicable if your organisation has received a notification email from Donorfy. The purpose of the Attachments utility is to enable you to work through each file in turn, re-attaching the missing files, where they are avail...
Unable to open file.... File may not be a valid Excel workbook
On occasions, a file that is being uploaded to Donorfy may present the error message Unable to open file... File may not be a valid Excel workbook, for example: The spreadsheet contents and name extension are all appearing to be fine, but the...
Damaged or Unreadable Upload File
If Donorfy has a problem reading a file that you have uploaded you will see message similar to the examples below To fix this problem you should start Excel and Open the workbook you originally uploaded Remove any worksheets that you are not us...
Ignoring Duplicate Warnings when Uploading a File
When you upload a file containing constituents Donorfy checks whether the people in the file are already in the database - if there are matches you will see a message similar to the one shown below You can download the file to review the matches ...
Fixing Problems in an Uploaded File
After you upload a file Donorfy will check it - if there are problems which prevent the data in the file being imported the file will be displayed similar to the example below To see details of errors of you need to Download your file. When you...
Undoing a File Upload
You can undo a file upload - this will remove all the data added by the file upload. Important if you undo a constituent import then any data you have added to the constituents since the import - e.g. transactions added to the timeline - will als...