General FAQs

  • Find Constituents that donated within a Time frame and show the amount of times donated

    How to create a list to show people who have donated within a certain time frame and list the constituents who have donated for the first time?   Answer: You can use a Transaction Payment List, where you can filter to 'Date Paid is between' and ad...

  • How to create badges / name and address labels

    From time to time, you may need to create name or name and address labels to use at events or for mailings. This can be achieved within Donorfy via a List, such as a Constituent List.  The majority of Lists in Donorfy feature contact details, so y...

  • Spell Checker and Accessibility tools

    Does Donorfy feature any spell-checking or accessibility tools? Donorfy does not have any specific built-in tools. However, there are various spelling and accessibility browser plugins or apps that can be used. Some examples of tools that can Gram...

  • How to find all constituents without a valid Gift Aid Declaration (GAD)

    You may want to run a Gift Aid Campaign or just report on constituent profiles that do not have a valid Gift Aid declaration, this article runs through the key steps to do just this...   To do this you will need to: Find and Tag all those with a v...

  • FAQ: How often is Donorfy backed up?

    All data on Donorfy is backed up throughout the day at regular intervals via our Microsoft Azure Server. This is described in more detail on the Microsoft website here. We then have a rollback point for the Shared Environment (all Donorfy accounts...

  • FAQ: Putting a Campaign Totaliser on your Website

    We are often asked about whether it is possible to add a totaliser to a charities campaign appeal web page.   Whilst the ability to draw campaign summary data via the API to be able to display the total on a webpage is unfortunately not something ...

See all 16 articles

Finance FAQs

  • Download your Donorfy Invoices

    Misplaced a billing invoice for your Donorfy account and need a copy invoice? Downloading previous invoices directly from your Donorfy is quick and easy. This guide explores: Requirements How to download invoices   Requirements Billing Invoice...

  • How do I change the billing contact details?

    If you need to change the contact details for your Donorfy subscription, you can do so within Donorfy itself... Open Settings > Account > Billing   Once you have entered the new details, click on 'Update'

  • All Allocations must have a Fund Message

    All allocations for transactions and recurring payment instructions must have a fund associated with them - to enter the fund you need to open up the detail of the allocation using the down arrow (highlighted with a yellow box below) - then you ca...

  • Transactions Entered in Error

    If a transaction has been entered in error - depending on the type of correction you need to make - you can  Re-assign the transaction to the correct constituent - this is done by finding the transaction on the constituents timeline, opening it ...

  • Close your Donorfy account

    We'd love for you to get the full potential out of your subscription so that your charity or organisation can grow and do more of what matters. We understand that times change, so it's recommended that you have a chat with us so we can understand ...