Settings overview
When you get started with Donorfy you're going to want to set up the system to reflect your organisation's needs and when you are already up and running with Donorfy you'll need to ensure that your settings continue to reflect what your organisati...
Searching Settings > Configuration
Settings allow you to perform various system administration functions, such as adding users, adding, changing or deleting entries on the various lists etc To access Configuration and user management options, open the sub-menu under Settings as sho...
Activity Types
Donorfy comes with some pre-configured Activity Types. However, other Activity Types can be added within Donorfy Settings so that the selection is applicable to your organisation's purposes. Activities are items of data that you wish to capture th...
Adding Custom Fields to Activities
You can record a plethora of different types of information: notes, event attendance, mailouts, volunteering information, etc. To capture additional details not available within the main Activity fields there are additional custom fields that can...
Address Area
Apart from the usual address fields, you may want to add some further segmentation, boundaries, local teams, etc. to use for reporting or to quickly see what local team is assigned to a constituent. To add an area Open Settings > Configuration > ...
Address Regions
Apart from the usual address fields, you may want to add some further segmentation, Country regions, boundaries, local regional teams, etc. to use for reporting. To add a Region Open Settings > Configuration > Address Regions Click on the + i...
Bank Accounts
Donorfy comes with a Bank Account pre-configured, Main Account, but depending on your organisation you may need to create additional Bank Accounts to ensure finances are stewarded to the correct reporting structures. Bank Accounts are to be used...
Collection Methods
A Collection Method is the name you give to your Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) solution or service you are using, for example, CAF Direct Debits, and are set within the Recurring Payment Instruction (RPI) on the Constiturnet Timeline. Donorfy has...
Constituent Roles
This drop-down is available on the Work and Other contact details tabs and relates to the work they do. This differs from their job title, which is what they like to be called, not necessarily what they do. Roles enable you to analyse your constit...
Constituent Types
Constituents are the people and organisations that you interact with and the Constituent Types are the broad categorisations of the constituents you have in Donorfy - e.g. individual, company, church, trusts, etc. Constituent Types should be exclu...
The countries available within Donorfy are derived from official ISO country codes. Donorfy comes with a few most frequently used Countries pre-added, however, you can add as many or all to your list if you would like to. All countries that have a...
A Department if the area within your organisation that the transaction ‘belongs’ to. The Department field resides within the Allocation area of a Transaction. Departments are to be used in your financial transactions, main transaction default s...
A Fund is the destination for the money - the 'pot'. For example you may have a range of reserved funds and a general fund. A Fund exists on the Allocation part of a Transaction. Funds are to be used in your financial transactions, main transact...
Donorfy comes with some pre-configured Genders, however, other Genders can be added within Donorfy Settings so that the selection is applicable for your organisation's purposes. To add a Gender Open Settings > Configuration > Genders Click on ...
Name Prefixes
These are the drop-down values for the prefix to the last name. For example the 'van' from Dick van Dyke. It means that they don't have to be entered as part of the last name, ensuring Mr van Dyke appears in the D's, not the V's of any alphabetic ...
Payment Methods
Within Donorfy you can add as many types of payment that your organisation used to collect payments from your supporters. Donorfy comes with some preset Payment Methods and there are some default Payment Methods for automated processes, these...
Reasons for cancel, lapse etc.
The Reasons for cancel, lapse etc. is a multi-use setting. The reasons are used in the following areas: Archiving Constituents Preference Update Centre Recurring Payment Instructions (RPIs) Memberships To add a Reason Open Settings > Configu...
Social Media IDs
On the Constituent Profile, a Constituent's social media links can be added, this allows users to find website addresses, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn profiles, etc. quickly, rather than having to perform searches via those mediums or a more gene...
Name Titles
These are the drop-down values for the prefix to a constituent's name. For example Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx, Sir, Dr, Cllr, Lady or Lord, etc. The stored titles will be available to use within the Constituent Profile as well as on online forms where ...
Gift Aid Declaration Methods
Gift Aids can be collected from varying sources, websites, postal forms, email, and other donation platforms such as JustGiving, Enthuse, Go Donate, etc. Methods are used when adding a new Gift Aid Declaration to a Constituent Timeline in order t...
Getting started with GDPR
In the GDPR overview you saw how Donorfy to helps you comply with GDPR, so how do you get started in setting it up? Step 1 A constituent’s preference centre is made up of 3 areas, each of which will require configuring to suit your organisation’s ...
In this article, we will explore the communication methods by which you can contact a Constituent, how they are set up and the options available. What are Channels How Channels consents work in Donorfy Setting consent options How Channel consents...
Creating Purposes
Donorfy also allows you to set the purposes relating to how your organisation would like to contact your constituents, such as fundraising and news, membership, policy, events, etc. Purposes can be set to be administered at either operator only le...
Consent Statements
Consent statements are the various privacy policies, data protection statements etc that a constituent had the ability to read when they confirmed their channel or purpose permissions. These may have been on a form that they filled in as part of a...
Preference Update Settings
To enable the self-service features relating to contact preference selections, you must first have the professional plan. Next, you will need to ensure that you have linked your email system to Donorfy and have placed the web widget on your websit...
Connection Types
Connections can be used for a wide variety of things - each organisation will have different ways to use connections, for example: Employment Defining Family Connections Noting the internal Fundraising Manager Networking Trustees etc. Connectio...
Adding Social Media Links to Emails
You can add social media links to your email templates as follows The social media logo (e.g. twitter) that you want to include must be available on the internet so when people open your email the logo will display - the logos listed below are av...
Confidential Activities
When you add activities to a timeline you can optionally mark them as confidential - this means that these activities can only be viewed, updated or deleted by users who have been access to 'Confidential Activities'. To allow standard or viewer us...
A Product is what the donor is paying for when they make their contribution. Normally it would be a Donation, but could also be a Subscription (e.g. if you have a membership scheme), a Raffle ticket, a Book. Products are set up and managed within...
This article will guide you through your Currency configuration. When setting up your Donorfy, you will have been asked to set your Home Currency. The Home Currency is the currency that your organisation usually works in. For example. a charity...